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Title: | 311震災後日本雜誌中的台灣意象再現 Representation of Taiwan Imagery in Japanese Magazines After the 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake |
Authors: | 姚銘偉 Yao, Ming-Wei |
Contributors: | 陳儒修 Chen, Ru-Shou 姚銘偉 Yao, Ming-Wei |
Keywords: | 311地震 日本雜誌 台灣意象 符號學 東方主義 後殖民 Tōhoku earthquake Japanese magazine Taiwan imagery Semiology Orientalism Postcolonialism |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-07-01 15:57:18 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 台灣各界於2011年日本311震災後捐助日本超過250億日圓的義援金,在日本社會引發關注,也使「台灣」在日本社會成為顯學。本研究以日本雜誌界在311震災後大量推出的「台灣特集」圖像作為研究對象,並以巴特的神話學作為研究取徑,歸納出日本雜誌中的台灣意象融合了「中華意象」、「日本意象」及「南國意象」。本研究透過分析圖像中的「地點」、「顏色」、「人物」、「文字」及其他元素後,發現戰前、戰後的再現歷時性具有高度的相似性,都是以想像為起點,之後才成為貼近真實的再現。本研究也發現,戰前的東方主義遺緒依然殘留在日本雜誌建構出的「台灣神話」之中。在戰後日本作為文化霸權向台灣大量輸出流行文化後,使台日兩國之間存在「文化近似性」,也使台灣人樂於接受具有「日本性」的台灣擬像。因此,對於文化霸權的高度接納以及文化內涵的多樣性與混雜性遂成為台灣文化最鮮明的特徵。此外,2020年後,台灣的武漢肺炎防疫成就促使日本社會再次以新的觀點凝視台灣,值得後續研究加以關注。 Taiwan`s donation of more than 25 billion yen to Japan after the 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake has aroused attention and has made "Taiwan" a prominent subject in Japanese society. This study takes images in "Taiwan special issue" published by various Japanese magazines during the past decade after the earthquake as the object of study. By using Barthes` theory of myths as research approach, this study summarizes that the imagery of Taiwan in Japanese magazines is comprised of "Chinese imagery," "Japanese imagery," and "Southland imagery. By analyzing "place," "color," "characters," "words," and other elements in the images, this study finds that there is a high degree of similarity between pre-war and post-war representations, as they all began with imagination and then became close to reality. This study also finds that the legacy of pre-war Orientalist perspective remains in the "Taiwan myth" constructed by Japanese magazines. As a cultural hegemony, Japan exported a large amount of popular culture to Taiwan after the post-war period, hence exists a "cultural proximity" between Taiwan and Japan, which makes Taiwanese people willing to accept the Taiwan imagery created by the Japanese. As a result, a lack of resistance to cultural hegemonies, along with diversity and hybridity of cultural connotation have become the most distinctive features of Taiwan`s culture. Besides, after 2020, Taiwan`s achievement in the fight against COVID-19 has prompted Japanese society to look at Taiwan once again from a new perspective, which deserves consideration in subsequent studies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 109941021 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109941021 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200487 |
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