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Title: | 《井下的天空》電影劇本創作及論述 The Writer’s Note on the Film Script Love in the Moonlight |
Authors: | 陳彥珊 Chen, Yen-shan |
Contributors: | 王亞維 Wang, Yae-wei 陳彥珊 Chen, Yen-shan |
Keywords: | 電影劇本 殖民主義 自我認同 女性意識 皇民化運動 Screenplay Colonialism National identity Female consciousness Kominka movement |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-07-01 15:56:51 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 《井下的天空》電影講述1943至1945期間,新竹州竹東礦場,時時遭受美軍轟炸,離了婚的高木桂子從台北州搬回竹東礦場並申請成為礦場醫務室的護士,與在礦場擔任主任的父親高木一郎同住。 江耀明是礦場內的鑽井工,江氏家族曾經受到日人欺壓,內心極為抗拒日本人的統治排斥皇民化運動,但礦場內一次又一次的巧合與邂逅,讓江耀明與高木桂子墜入愛河,然而種族的不同卻讓江耀明深陷痛苦,同時礦場同事山口歐夫頻頻阻撓,這對台日戀人在友達以上,戀人未滿的情況下被迫分離。 突然來自南洋的一道人事令,讓江耀明、高木一郎、山口歐夫都被派至爪哇島,追求愛情的高木桂子,選擇隻身前往至南洋,她試圖翻轉自己與江耀明的命運,然而在南洋期間所發生的種種困難,帶給故事主角不同的價值思辨,兩人最後戰勝命運多舛,在二戰結束後重回台灣竹東,攜手迎接全新的人生。 Love in the Moonlight describes the story that happened on Taiwan during the Japanese occupation period. Zhudong mine, one of the oil wells on the island, had been bombed frequently by the US from 1943 to 1945. Keiko Takagi, who had divorced, moved from the capital city back to Zhudong mine and applied for a nurse position in the mine clinic. She lived with her father Ichirou Takagi, who was the director of the mine. Jiang Yao-Ming, a local young man, worked as a well-drilling worker for the mine. Deep in, he resisted the Japanese ruling and the Kominka movement because his family had once been oppressed by the Japanese. However, getting through numerous unexpected encounters in the mine, Jiang Yao-Ming and Keiko Takagi eventually fell in love. The difference between their races sent Jiang Yao-Ming into great pain. Meanwhile, their colleague, Yoshio Yamaguchi (Chinese name: Ou Jian- Wen), often tried to interfere with their relationship. The newly formed couple of Taiwanese and Japanese was forced to be apart before they even entered the next phase of their relationship. A sudden order from the South Sea sent Jiang Yao-Ming, Ichirou Takagi and Yoshio Yamaguchi to the Island of Java. To reclaim the love and reverse the fate with Jiang Yao-Ming, Keiko Takagi went to the South Sea by herself. What happened during their stay in the South Sea allowed the protagonists to reshape their values. The lover prevailed over their fate in the end and got back to Zhudong, Taiwan, after World War II to build their new life together. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 107941006 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107941006 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200637 |
Appears in Collections: | [傳播學院碩士在職專班] 學位論文
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