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Title: | 教保服務人員的身分差序與互動模式探究- 某公立幼兒園的田野分析 The Study of Differential Citizenship and Interaction Models between Educare Givers and Preschool Teachers: One Public Preschool as an Example |
Authors: | 廖珮雯 Liao, Pei-Wen |
Contributors: | 張盈堃 廖珮雯 Liao, Pei-Wen |
Keywords: | 身分差序 互動模式 教師/教保員 Goffman戲劇理論 Differential citizenship Interaction models Preschool teachers/educare givers Goffman’s dramaturgical theory |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-06-01 16:38:16 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「幼托整合」的政策推動下,因法規無明定教保服務人員的工作內容,卻存在「教保員」與「教師」兩種身分,以及不同的薪資福利等,致使兩者間產生身分差序關係。本研究將關注兩個焦點,分別為(一)教保員的互動策略;與(二)教保員與教師的身分差序關係。並且透過參與觀察法、訪談法與文件蒐集的研究方法,以及運用Goffman的戲劇理論作為分析框架,進入一所公立幼兒園進行研究。藉此了解教保員在身分差序關係的狀態下,採取何種策略與教師互動,並分析教保員的身分差序關係。
本田野分析顯示越是動態、不可預測的事件,越能看出教保員與教師的身分差序關係,而班級內的身分差序關係比園內的身分差序關係更為明顯。 Under the current integration of kindergartens and nursery schools policy, positions such as educare giver and preschool teacher have been derived due to the lack of clear regulation regarding the responsibility of the preschool educator. In addition to that, the inegalitarian policy of their individual pay and welfare have created the differential citizenship among the two positions. This study elaborates two core ideas, which are the interaction models of the educare giver and the differential citizenship among the educare giver and preschool teacher. Research was conducted in a public kindergarten with methods such as observation, talks, and literature survey while using Goffman’s dramaturgical theory as the framework for further analysis. This methodology explores the possible strategies which a educare giver may take under the aforementioned differential citizenship with respect to the preschool teacher while at the same time analyzing the differential citizenship itself.
The first part of the study surrounds the strategies of which the educare giver may take during their daily encounter with their preschool teacher counterparts. Of which, five major sectors have been identified in this thesis and are briefly explained as follows. To start, they often see eye to eye when commenting on parents and their children. Small talk on the other hand, educare giver are prone to showing signs of catering towards the preschool teacher. As for administrative work, educare giver often stand at a more humble position and tend to be the one asking for advice and not the other way around. Similarly, when assisting in classes or dealing with unforeseen situations, preschool teacher’s opinions are more often the decisive factor. In the second part of this study, we dive deeper into the differential citizenship among the educare giver and preschool teacher and discover how it is affected in various situations.
This field study demonstrates the following fact. The more volatile and unpredictable an event may be, the less opaque the differential citizenship becomes. On top of that, the differential citizenship is more pronounced within the class as compared to the entire kindergarten. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 幼兒教育研究所 108157007 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108157007 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200423 |
Appears in Collections: | [幼兒教育研究所] 學位論文
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