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Title: | CLIL 融入華語文化教學設計研究—以節慶飲食文化為例 A Design-Based Research on Integrating CLIL into Teaching Chinese Culture: The Case of the Festival Cuisine Culture |
Authors: | 簡汎霓 Chien, Fan-Ni |
Contributors: | 彭妮絲 Peng, Ni-Se 簡汎霓 Chien, Fan-Ni |
Keywords: | CLIL 華語文化教學 節慶飲食文化 設計研究法 體驗式學習循環 CLIL Teaching Chinese culture Festival cuisine culture Design-based research Experiential learning cycle |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-06-01 16:32:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 精神與社群文化的傳遞多依附於物質文化,也是最直接可見的。飲食話題在華人生活圈的人際溝通中有著重要地位,節慶飲食更是蘊含豐富的中華傳統文化 思想,因此透過節慶飲食傳遞華人文化,能幫助華語學習者融入華人社群,以達到跨文化交際之目標。本研究旨在以內容與語言整合學習(Content and Language Integrated Learning,簡稱 CLIL)為基礎,發展一套文化教學方法應用於華語教學。本研究之CLIL課程整合節慶飲食與華語教學,並探討所設計之「體驗式文化溝通教學法」於華語文化教學上的應用及成效。為兼顧內容與語言兩個層面,本研究以CLIL的4Cs原則(內容、溝通、認知、文化)為奠基,結合Moran的體驗式學習循環,並於語言三角3Ls(內容語言、輔助語言及自發性語言)分別搭配語言學習之教學法,設計出「體驗式文化溝通教學法」。本研究主要採設計研究法,以華人四大節慶飲食主題為一個課程循環,研究對象為某國立大學華語中心之6位華語學習者。由研究者兼任教學者進行教學,並邀請3位華語相關專業人士從旁觀察課堂情形,後以問卷和訪談來了解華語學習者及觀課者的反饋,檢視所設計之教學法及整個設計研究歷程。研究結果發現CLIL融入華語文化教學之課程及教學法設計,不僅讓課程具有明確的分項教學目標,亦使語言與文化的學習得以並行。本研究所發展之「體驗式文化溝通教學法」含括大量「互動性」及「溝通應用」的教學策略,有助於增進學習者的華語聽說與訊息處理能力;「參與」和文化「回應」的學習方法,有益於學習者對華人文化的認識,培養其對相異文化的尊重,並在自身文化與目標文化之間取得平衡後,提升跨文化溝通能力,運用所學融入目的語環境。 The material culture shows the spirits and communities culture directly. The topic of food plays a significant role in interpersonal communication in the Chinese cultural sphere. Moreover, the festival cuisine involves rich Chinese traditional cultural thought. Therefore, the transmission of Chinese culture through festival cuisine can help Chinese language learners integrate with the Chinese community and improve their cross-cultural communication. This study aims to develop a cultural teaching method which is based on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) called "experiential cultural communication". This study also discusses the application and effectiveness of the designed method in the CLIL curriculum which integrates festival cuisine and Chinese teaching for Chinese culture teaching. "Experiential cultural communication" is designed to have a balance between content and language that is based on the 4Cs framework of CLIL, experiential learning cycle from Moran and the three aspects of CLIL language learning combined with the three methods of language teaching. This research mainly adopts a design-based research method, and the themes of the CLIL curriculum are four major Chinese festival cuisines. Additionally, the participants in this study are 6 Chinese language learners enrolled in the University Chinese language center. Besides being a researcher as well as a teacher teaching the lessons in this study, there are three Chinese-related professionals invited to observe the courses for reliability and validity of the study. Moreover, this study examines the designed teaching method and the whole process of the study by the Chinese language learners and observers’ feedbacks through questionnaires and interviews. The results of the study show that integrating CLIL into the curriculum and teaching method designed with Chinese culture teaching not only provides the curriculum with clear sub-category teaching objectives, but also can be learned the language and culture, as well, simultaneously. The designed "experiential cultural communication" includes abundant teaching strategies of interactivity and communication skills, which helps learners to improve their Chinese listening skill, speaking skill, and the information processing skills. In addition, the learning methods of participation and cultural response assists learners with comprehension of Chinese culture and respect for different cultures. After that, learners can balance their own culture with target culture, thereby improving their cross-cultural communication skills, and using what they have learned to fit in the target language environment. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 華語文教學碩博士學位學程 106161005 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106161005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200424 |
Appears in Collections: | [華語文教學博/碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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