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Title: | 電商直播主訊息設計與溝通分析:《淘寶直播》個案研究 Research on Information Planning of E-commerce Live Hosts: a case study of "Taobao Live" |
Authors: | 邵琪 Shao, Qi |
Contributors: | 黃葳威 Huang, Wei-wei 邵琪 Shao, Qi |
Keywords: | 電商直播 訊息設計 內容設計 李佳琦 E-commerce live Information planning Content planning Li Jiaqi |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-05-02 15:05:59 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 電商直播近年來逐漸成為眾多主播借助新媒體平台進行產品推薦與銷售從而獲得利潤的渠道,與傳統銷售相比具有受眾廣泛、即時互動、購買便利等優勢。在一眾網紅主播中,淘寶主播李佳琦擁有龐大的粉絲族群和出眾的銷售能力,是電商直播時代的代表人物。本文以行銷傳播理論為框架,探究電商主播如何說服消費者進行購買。選擇淘寶直播為研究個案,以淘寶主播李佳琦作為研究對象,對李佳琦2021年雙十一期間的直播話術進行文本分析。研究發現將電商主播的行銷傳播歸納為三個面向,即內容設計、訊息設計和直播互動。從內容設計來看,主播通常承擔意見領袖的身份,結合自身特點樹立人設;主播利用明星效應,增加直播人氣、說服力、使直播內容得以病毒式傳播。從訊息設計來看,主播善用修辭、關鍵信息重複強調、有代表性的口頭禪、對產品有專業講解、洞悉觀眾心理、直播具有趣味性,均會對消費者購買意願產生正向影響。從直播互動來看,主播與助理互動,增強直播娛樂性;主播與觀眾互動,增強直播交互性,兩者均正向影響消費者的購買意願;主播引導和控制銷售節奏,給觀眾帶來緊張感,進而影響行為意願。結論論述了電商直播主訊息設計對行銷的重要性,以及李佳琦個人品牌價值和複製可能性,為電商直播從業者提出建議參考。 In recent years, e-commerce live broadcast has gradually become a channel for many anchors to use new media platforms to recommend and sell products to gain profits. Compared with traditional sales, it has the advantages of wide audience, instant interaction, and convenient purchase. Among the Internet celebrity anchors, Taobao anchor Li Jiaqi has a huge fan base and outstanding sales ability, and is a representative of the e-commerce live broadcast era. Based on the marketing communication theory, this paper explores how e-commerce anchors persuade consumers to make purchases. Select Taobao Live as the research case, take Taobao anchor Li Jiaqi as the research object, and conduct text analysis on Li Jiaqi`s live broadcast during Double Eleven in 2021. The research found that the marketing communication of e-commerce anchors can be divided into three aspects, namely content design, message design and live broadcast interaction. From the perspective of content design, the anchor usually assumes the identity of an opinion leader, and establishes a personality based on its own characteristics; the anchor uses the star effect to increase the popularity and persuasion of the live broadcast, and make the live broadcast content go viral. From the perspective of message design, anchors make good use of rhetoric, repeated emphasis on key information, representative mantras, professional explanations of products, insight into audience psychology, and live broadcasts are interesting, all of which will have a positive impact on consumers’ purchase intentions. From the perspective of live broadcast interaction, the interaction between the anchor and the assistant enhances the entertainment of the live broadcast; the interaction between the anchor and the audience enhances the interaction of the live broadcast, both of which positively affect the consumers` purchase intention; the anchor guides and controls the sales rhythm, which brings tension to the audience. perception, which in turn influences behavioral willingness. The conclusion discusses the importance of the main message design of e-commerce live broadcast to marketing, as well as the value of Li Jiaqi`s personal brand and the possibility of replication, and provides suggestions for e-commerce live broadcast practitioners. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 108464068 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108464068 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200410 |
Appears in Collections: | [傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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