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Title: | COVID-19對Facebook上影響社群商務意圖之因素的調節作用 Moderating Effect of COVID-19 on the Factors influencing Social Commerce Intention on Facebook |
Authors: | 李峻凱 Lee, Chun-Kai |
Contributors: | 洪叔民 Horng, Shwu-Min 李峻凱 Lee, Chun-Kai |
Keywords: | 新冠肺炎 臉書 電子商務 社群網絡 社群商務 COVID-19 Facebook E-commerce Social network Social commerce |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-05-02 15:05:40 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在新冠肺炎疫情之下,由於感染力強與死亡率高,且疫情早期尚無研發能根治的藥物與疫苗,因此,大眾地生活習慣大幅改變,會避免與人接觸,從原先的實體互動與交易轉變至線上完成,使得網路購物與社群活動變得更加活絡。此段時間各個電商平台使出各種方式吸引消費者使用,例如:蝦皮主打每月購物節與遊戲互動、Momo主打24小時到貨,而Facebook社群商務的模式與其他電商平台有很大的差異,僅提供交易使用者平台露出與查詢產品,沒有任何金流物流等支援服務,也因為這樣的模式,非常依賴交易雙方的對彼此之信任,但也因為社群使用者的人數為全台第一,故在特定販售主題的直播台與社團群組能聚集更多的消費者。 而本研究針對Facebook用戶對於社群商務意圖進行探討,得出社群商務意圖之資訊接收行為的互惠性、結合型社會資本、橋接型社會資本、情感支持、對網站的信任、服務內容品質、新冠肺炎此七項因素,對於接收行為有正向且顯著影響;而社群商務意圖之資訊給予行為的互惠性、結合型社會資本、橋接型社會資本、情感支持、對網站的信任、聲譽、利他主義、享樂主義此八項因素,對於給予行為有正向且顯著影響。 然而,本研究也將導入新冠肺炎因素作為干擾變數,得出對於Facebook社群商務意圖接收行為中所有變數皆不具有顯著干擾效果;而對於Facebook社群商務意圖給予行為中的利他主義、對網站的信任與易使用性,此三個變數具有顯著干擾效果。期許本研究可作為臉書甚至各電商營運策略之參考。 Under the epidemic situation of COVID‐19, due to the strong infectious power and high mortality rate, and there are no drugs or vaccines that can cure the disease in the early stage of the epidemic. Thus, the habit of life of the people have changed obviously. In addition to avoid connecting with other people. So, the transition of transactions to online makes online shopping and community activities more active. During the time, various e-commerce platforms used various methods to attract consumers. For example, Shopee focus on monthly shopping festivals and game interaction and Momo focus on 24-hour delivery arriving at customers’ home. But, Facebook’s social commerce business model is very different from other e-commerce platforms. The difference is that only the trading platform is provided to post and search products, and there is no support services such as cash flow and logistics. Also because of this business model, it is very dependent on the trust of both parties in the transaction. Besides, the number of community users is top 1 in Taiwan so live broadcast channels and community groups with specific sales themes can gather more consumers than other e-commence platforms in the same moment. In this study, we explored the social business intentions of Facebook users, and obtained the reciprocity, bonding social capital, bridging social capital, emotional support, trust toward service, service content quality and COVID-19. These seven factors have the positive and significant impact on the receiving behavior; and the reciprocity, bonding social capital, bridging social capital, emotional support, trust toward service, reputation, altruism and hedonic, these eight factors, have the positive and significant impact on the giving behavior. Besides, this study also put the factor of COVID-19 as an interference variable, and concluded that it had no significant interference effect on all variables in receiving behavior of Facebook`s social business intention; while for giving behavior of Facebook`s social business intention, the altruism, trust toward service and ease of use, these three variables, have a significant interference effect. Finally, it is hoped that this research can be used as a reference for Facebook and even various e-commerce business strategies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 108363064 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363064 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200388 |
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