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    Title: 社企下的女性賦權:以緬甸乾旱區為例
    Women`s Empowerment through Social Entrepreneurship: the Case of Dry Zone in Myanmar
    Authors: 裴方嵐
    Perekrestova, Vlada
    Contributors: 劉曉鵬
    Liu, Hsiao Pong
    Perekrestova, Vlada
    Keywords: 賦予婦女權力
    Women’s empowerment
    Developing countries
    Social entrepreneurship
    Myanmar studies
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-05-02 15:05:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去幾十年來,人們對全球不平等現象有了普遍的認識。2015年實施的可持續發展目標就是證明。性別平等是實現2030年可持續發展議程的一個重要因素,該議程希望建立一個普遍尊重人權和人類尊嚴的世界,"每個婦女和每個女孩都能實現性別平等,並消除賦予她們權力的所有法律、社會和經濟障礙"(聯合國,2018)。這篇研究論文重點關注減少性別不平等的目標之一,即:婦女賦權。
    Gender equality is critical for the achievement the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which aspires to a world where universally respected human rights, human dignity and “equality of gender [are] a reality for every woman and every girl and where all the legal, social and economic obstacles to their empowerment have been lifted” (UN, 2015). The 2030 Agenda affirms gender equality as a necessary foundation of a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. This research thesis focuses on one of the flagship goals of reducing gender inequalities: women`s empowerment.
    More specifically, I will look at it in the context of developing countries and with a view to social transformation. The study suggests that in the environment of Myanmar, social enterprises can be used as an efficient model for the empowerment of women, helping achieve economic independence, overcoming poverty through asset building, and improving the well-being of families and communities. I will try to define what are the challenges that can arise while highlighting the effects of such an approach. I will base my analysis on a case study carried out in the Dry Zone of Myanmar, thus illustrating concretely the potential but also the challenges and limitations of social entrepreneurship and its collective action, active participation, and local initiatives. Discussing major challenges of social entrepreneurship in Myanmar, I will bring an exploitable practical contribution, under the guise of a rigorous contextualization, by the various actors in the field of international development to help them in their understanding of the concept of women’s empowerment and the organizing of social enterprises and planning of their programs. I also propose a line of theoretical reflection on the place of men within this concept to promote the development of the whole of society.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104265513
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200409
    Appears in Collections:[亞太研究英語博/碩士學位學程(IDAS/IMAS)] 學位論文

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