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    Title: 綠色閉迴路供應鏈之多目標穩健最佳化決策模式
    A multi-objective robust optimization model for green closed-loop supply chain network design
    Authors: 方怡文
    Fang, I-Wen
    Contributors: 林我聰
    Lin, Woo-Tsong
    Fang, I-Wen
    Keywords: 閉迴路供應鏈
    Closed-loop supply chain
    Multi-objective mixed integer programming model
    Robust optimization
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-05-02 15:00:26 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年環境保護、循環經濟、企業社會責任等議題受到強烈關注,綠色閉迴路供應鏈的相關研究已成為重要課題。企業一方面面對環境議題、法規規範等,另一方面面對競爭激烈經營生態,企業如何有效提升產品或服務的品質,快速回應市場需求,並促成資源循環再利用,將是企業維持競爭力且永續經營的關鍵。
    In order to keep a company’s competitive capability, effective integrated management of the supply chain are important recently. Due to the topics such as the environmental issues, the governments’ legislation, natural resource limitation and circular economy having got consumers’s awareness, the related researches of the closed-loop supply chain which integrate the forward and reverse supply chain are increasingly growing. Companies not only have to meet the environmental regulations, but also have to sustain high quality of the supply chain operation as a means to stay competitive advantage and profit capability.
    This study proposes a multi-objective mixed integer programming model for an integrated green closed-loop supply chain network designed to maximize profit, amicable production level (environmentally friendly materials and clean technology usage), and quality level. A scenario‐based robust optimization method is used to deal with uncertain parameters such as the demand of new products, the return rates of returned products and the sale prices of remanufactured products.
    The proposed model is applied to a real industry case example of a manufacturing company to illustrate the applicability of the proposed model. The result shows a robust optimal resource allocation solution that considers multiple scenarios. This study can be a reference for closed‐loop supply chain related academic research and also can be used to guide the development of a green closed‐loop supply chain model for better decision making.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102356508
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200404
    Appears in Collections:[Department of MIS] Theses

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