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Title: | 社會企業之資源採用策略-以甘樂文創為例 The resource strategy of a social enterprise - The case of the Can Co. Ltd. |
Authors: | 呂馨 Lu, Hsin |
Contributors: | 鄭至甫 Jeng, Jyh-Fu 呂馨 Lu, Hsin |
Keywords: | 社會企業 資源隨創 資源優化 社會價值創造 Social enterprise Resource bricolage Resource optimization Social value creation |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2022-04-01 15:09:15 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 近年來社會創業的風潮逐漸興起,造就了許多社會企業的誕生。在總體環境上,政府為了再造地方,也開始鼓勵各單位與青年人士進行地方創生的工作,而目前確實有許多的青年對於地方意識的抬頭,選擇返鄉致力於故鄉,然而在面對在地以及創業團隊資源有限的情況下,如何進行社會創業為一項挑戰。因此本研究欲探討在地創業之社會企業,如何在面對社會目的與經濟目的之情況下,應用不同的資源採用策略,達到社會企業創造社會價值的使命。本研究採用單一個案研究方法,分析在地社會企業-甘樂文創在創業各階段中的發展,以及在面對社會企業雙重目的下之資源採用策略,並且探討甘樂文創創造的社會價值。透過初級資料訪談和二手資料的搜集彙整,本文將甘樂文創之創業歷程分為三階段,分別為:階段一草創期;階段二成長期;階段三擴張期等,逐一探討在各階段下的雙重目的、資源採用策略以及社會價值創造等。本研究之理論基礎係基於 Desa and Basu (2013); Desa and Koch (2014)所提及之 社會企業資源調動方式,分別為「資源隨創」以及「資源優化」兩種方式,作 為社會企業採用資源的方式,又基於 Di Domenico, Haugh, and Tracey (2010)提及社會企業之六項社會隨創原則與過程,探討身為社會企業的甘樂文創在「資源隨創」下所應用的社會隨創原則,分析如何於資源有限時,從環境中擷取資 源,為地方創造社會價值。研究發現社會企業在開啟事業的草創狀態會著重使用「資源隨創」的策略,在建立企業經營能耐的時候會著重在「資源優化」策略,然而不論是在哪個階段,社會企業大部分皆是採用兩者併用的方式以獲取資源。而在社會價值的創造上發現,社會企業創造的社會價值,具有迭代的效果,能有助於社會企業的營運和之後創業歷程的發展。 In recent years, the trend of social entrepreneurship has gradually emerged, resulting in the birth of many social enterprises. In the overall environment, the government also has begun to encourage local units and young people to engage in local entrepreneurship in order to rejuvenate the local community. And many young people have indeed chosen to return to their hometowns in response to the rise of local awareness. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how social enterprise in local entrepreneurship can apply different resource strategies to achieve the mission of social enterprise, and to create social value in the face of social and economic objectives. This paper explores the development of a local social enterprise: The CAN. This study adopts a single case study approach to analyze The CAN at each stage of entrepreneurship and its resource strategies in the face of the dual purposes of social enterprises, then to explore the social value created by it. Through primary data and secondary data collection, this paper divides the entrepreneurial history of The CAN into three stages and explores the dual purposes, resource strategies, and social value creation in each stage. Based on the resource mobilization approach of social enterprises mentioned by Desa and Basu (2013); Desa and Koch (2014), “Resource Bricolage" and "Resource Optimization", as the approach of a social enterprises adopt its resource. And also based on the six principles and processes of social bricolage mentioned by Di Domenico, Haugh, and Tracey (2010) to analyze how a social enterprise obtain its key resources when resources are limited. In sum, this study has found that social enterprises use the strategy of "Resource Bricolage" when they are starting their businesses, and the strategy of "Resource optimization" when they are building their business capacity. In terms of social value creation, it is found that the social value has an iterative effect, which can help the operation of social enterprises and the development of subsequent entrepreneurship. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 108364109 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364109 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200366 |
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