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Title: | Semper Fi – 溫柔下的剽悍 Semper Fi – The qualitative change from a young girl to the Marine Corps |
Authors: | 郭嘉卉 Kuo, Jia-Hui |
Contributors: | 劉梅君 Liu, Mei-Chun 郭嘉卉 Kuo, Jia-Hui |
Keywords: | 軍校生 女性 管理 霸凌 自我敘事 Cadet Female Management Bullying Self-narrative |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-04-01 15:06:48 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 「合理的要求是訓練,不合理的要求是磨練」,這是大家對於軍隊及軍校,認為理應當存在的;然而這其中的分寸及拿捏,卻常常是被忽略及輕視的。 軍事院校,是培養國軍幹部的搖籃,各校裡存在著其軍種特性的「傳統」必須延續下去,對於身為軍人的信念是不可抹滅的。軍校生與一般大學生有著明顯不同,規律的團體生活要求、密切的學長學弟制、嚴格的軍事訓練、團體表現重於個人成就的價值觀等,是一般大學生所不會面對到的。 而在男女比例懸殊以及相當注重男女分際的軍校中,女性學生的生活往往會像有著高牆隔閡般,較為封閉式的管理模式。 以往對於軍校生之研究,多以量化方式針對適應性實施探討;而此篇論文將由研究者藉自我敘說方式,完整且詳細的道出,是如何從一名普通高中生,成為保家衛國的職業軍人,過程中的血與淚,是如何幻化成滋養其堅強內心成長茁壯的養分,進而成為剛柔並兼的女性軍官。 過往的不堪及脆弱,並沒有成為軍旅生涯的絆腳石,反而時時警惕自我應莫忘初衷,「已所不欲,勿施於人」更成為研究者謹記在心並堅持執行的信念。 "Reasonable requirements are training, and those beyond are called discipline," the saying and impression people have when their mind came across the military. Despite the nature of military, the proper measures are often overlooked and despised. Military academies are the cradle for cultivating military leaders. The "tradition" that exists in each school with its service characteristics must be continued, and the belief in being a soldier cannot be erased. Cadets or midshipmen are significantly different from ordinary college students. Specific required daily routine, closed-relationship with cadets among academies, strict training, and the value of group performance over personal achievement are not faced by ordinary college students. The gender disparities and equity in the military academies is very important. The management of female students often seem to be separated by high walls and considered relatively as oblivious. Quantitative research was the common method to collect information from military academies in the past. In this article, the researcher uses self-narrative show us the transformation from ordinary high schooler to a solider who defend the family and the country. The process involved blood and tears, which turn into nutrients that nourished her strong inner growth, allowing her became a female officer with both toughness and kindness. Instead of trapping on the past, unbearableness and fragile mind, “The very beginning mind itself is the most accomplished mind of true enlightenment.” The research truly believe that “Do unto others as you would have done unto you. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 109921306 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109921306 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200372 |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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