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Title: | 老鷹變小雞-戰鬥機飛行員兼任參謀對其專業領域之影響 From the Eagle to the Chick? How do Staff Chores Affect Fighter Pilots` Expertise. |
Authors: | 蔡沛謙 Tsai, Pei-Chien |
Contributors: | 黃東益 Huang, Tong-Yi 蔡沛謙 Tsai, Pei-Chien |
Keywords: | 飛行員養成 參謀 角色認知 角色衝突 衝突調適 Pilot development Staff officer Role cognition Role conflict Conflict adjustment |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-04-01 15:06:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文作者為一位戰鬥機飛行員,此研究採自我民族誌的方式撰寫,筆者回顧其過往學習飛行的過程,並藉由出國受訓期間的所見所聞,企圖改變國內的飛行訓練環境。在實際執行時,因飛行專業與參謀職之間的角色衝突,使其領悟到制度上的不完整,導致整體投入的成本無法化為實際效益。經檢視參謀制度與戰鬥人員兩者之間的從屬關係後,筆者得出以下結論: 現今參謀的本質與以往大不相同,在過去以作戰為導向的作業環境下,參謀作業的核心皆環繞在「能有效支援作戰」的主軸;在我國沈浸於安逸生活六十餘年後,今日的參謀工作已大幅偏離作戰主軸,兩者之間的差異是由於外在環境改變及內在認知的不同所造成。 文末,筆者提出以下建議: (1) 改善現行參謀制度以提升行政效率。 (2) 改變飛行員的認知以強化人員認同感。 希望藉由本篇寫作,喚醒國軍憂患意識,改善訓練環境,確保國家安全與人民福祉。 The author of this thesis is a fighter pilot. This research was written in the form of self-ethnography. In this thesis, the author reviewed the process of flight training he received. Having finished the training in the USA, he tried to change flight training environment in Taiwan. However, due to the role conflict between the pilot and the staff, he realized that the system was incomplete and the cost of the overall investment could not be turned into actual benefits. After examining the affiliation between the staff system and combatants, the author drew following conclusions: The core value of staff nowadays is far different from that in the past. In the combat-oriented operating environment, the main mission of the staff focused on "How to support operations effectively? " After living in peace and ease for more than sixty years, the staff in the armed forces today have duties that greatly deviated from the main axis of operations. The differences between the two are caused by the changes in the external environment and differences in inner cognition. In the end of this thesis, the author made the following suggestions: (1) Improve the staff system to enhance administrative efficiency. (2) Change the pilot`s perception to strengthen their identity in the unit who served. It is hoped that through the initiatives of this thesis, the sense of urgency of the troops will be raised the training environment improved, and national security and the well-being of the people will all be ensured. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 109921303 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109921303 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200377 |
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