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Title: | 社群平台間的游動:從符擔性角度看記者分化使用之戰術 Interchanging Between Different Social Platforms: Affordance Perspectives for Journalists` Social Interaction Tactics. |
Authors: | 李岱瑾 Li, Dai-Jin |
Contributors: | 劉慧雯 Liu, Hui-Wen 李岱瑾 Li, Dai-Jin |
Keywords: | 社群平台 臉書 Instagram 記者 符擔性 戰略/戰術 人際關係 Social platforms Facebook Instagram Journalist Affordances Strategies/Tactics Interpersonal relationship |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-04-01 15:01:06 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 社群平台走向多元化,記者受個人不同因素影響,發展出相異的分化使用平台策略。本研究為瞭解記者在社群平台間的行動脈絡,從中發掘如何在平台戰略體制下執行戰術,創造反體制的生存空間,對其人際關係的影響。因此,以符擔性理論(Affordance Theory)為基礎,透過深度訪談十二名不同世代的記者,探究記者如何感知社群平台符擔性以操作戰術,在互動中又創造哪些平台新意義。
這顯示,記者不願破壞臉書經營已久的人際關係,運用臉書原始科技的設計翻轉為有用資源,知覺臉書龐大的使用者和資訊量之優勢,從單純交友軸線轉變成輔助新聞工作的工具,以經營弱關係和獲取資訊管道為主,Instagram則成為私人的生活實記;記者游移在社群平台之間的差異行為,彰顯出記者的戰術因應科技變遷不斷地適應,也深受日常生活和工作經驗影響。 Social Platforms are becoming more and more diversified, and journalists are influenced by different personal factors and develop different strategies to use social platforms. The purpose of this study is to understand the network of journalists between social platforms and to discover how to execute tactics under the platforms` strategic system, creating a counter-system to influence their interpersonal relationships. Therefore, based on the affordance theory, through in-depth interviews with twelve journalists of different generations, this paper explores how journalists perceived the affordance of social platforms to operate tactics, and what new meanings of the platforms are created in the interaction.
The study found that journalists have an established logic when operating tactics on social platforms. Facebook is the beginning of their use of social platforms. When journalists perceived the change in the connotation of Facebook, they try to adjust their behavior first, including changing the content of their posts and reducing the number of posts. Then they change the posting frequency, adjusting privacy settings until their usage desires are no longer satisfied. Next, they move to Instagram and/or create new Facebook accounts; these are the tactics that most journalists use. In many cases, journalists will not completely refrain from Facebook, they will still use Facebook as their main social platform with a supplement of using other social platforms.
This shows that journalists are not willing to throw away the connections that they have established on Facebook. They`re using Facebook as their resourcing tool; knowing Facebook`s enormous user set and information volume, they`re using the platform to assist their work, instead of using it as a tool to maintain friendship as originally intended by Facebook. Whereas, Instagram has become their journal to record their life. The differential behavior of journalists using different social platforms shows that journalists` tactics constantly adapt to the changes in technology, which are affected by daily life, impacting their lives and work experience. |
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