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    Title: 以決策樹資料探勘法分析連線遊戲玩家持續使用動機:個人內在因素與外在參考團體因素對於「課金」行為的影響
    Applying a decision tree data mining method to analyze online games players‘ behavior by considering the impact of individual internal perceptions and external reference groups on paying behavior
    Authors: 曾德芩
    Tseng, Te-Chin
    Contributors: 許志堅
    Tseng, Te-Chin
    Keywords: 資料探勘
    Data Mining
    Video Gaming Addiction
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 18:27:36 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 連線遊戲(online game)是典型的網際網路相關產業,全球遊戲產業規模已破千億美元,成為最大的娛樂產業之一,其創造的產值顯示了它的重要性。在2020年,全世界面對COVID-19的肆虐下,不論在生命安全、醫療體系、政治、社會與經濟等面向都受到巨大的衝擊。這場本世紀前所未見的急速病毒傳播,演變至今成為全球最大地隔離行動。隨著COVID-19疫情發展,世界各國政府和企業紛紛要求人們保持社交距離,大家待在家的時間也隨之變長,「宅經濟」的興起,間接帶動遊戲產業的發展,簡單地說,人們在隔離期間花更多的時間在電子遊戲上。根據Newzoo 在《2021年全球遊戲市場報告》中更提到,2021年全球遊戲市場將獲得1758億美元收入。移動遊戲市場的收入將增長4.4%至907億美元,占全球遊戲市場總收入的一半以上。
    Online game is a typical Internet-related industry. The scale of the global game industry has exceeded 100 billion US dollars and has become one of the largest entertainment industries. In recent years. Faced with the ravages of COVID-19 around the world, life safety, medical systems, politics, society and economy have all been severely affected. The unprecedented rapid spread of the plague has turned into the largest quarantine operation in the world. Social distancing and lockdown measures implemented in response to the COVID-19 pandemic have driven people to stay home more. The rise of the "stay-at-home economy" has indirectly spurred the growth of the video game industry. In other words, people are spending more time on games during quarantine. Newzoo’s 2021 Global Games Market Report mentioned that of the US$175.8 billion in revenue received worldwide by the games market in 2021, the mobile game market grew 4.4% to $90.7 billion, accounting for more than half the total revenue.
    A significant portion comes from in-app purchases, where virtual goods in games are bought using real-world money. There are several factors encouraging this “pay-to-win” behavior that compels gamers to persist in playing online games, or erodes their self-control, causing them to make repeated in-app purchases. This study explores these motivating factors by analyzing the underlying influences of through data mining, and aims to further understand the gamers’ preferences and decision-making processes. Analysis from both internal and external perspectives can enable online game companies to design games to suit different gamer categories. In so doing, this aims to let gamers feel their preferences are respected, improving their satisfaction rate as paying customers, and ultimately contributing to further growth of mobile game products.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109464002
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200252
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