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    Title: Instagram限時動態AR濾鏡自我代言與互動性對廣告效果的影響
    The impact of self-endorsing and interactivity on Instagram stories AR filters
    Authors: 邱梓晴
    Chiu, Tzu-Ching
    Contributors: 林日璇
    Lin, Jih-Hsuan
    Chiu, Tzu-Ching
    Keywords: Instagram
    AR filters
    attitude toward the ad
    purchase intention
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 18:27:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究採取線上實驗法,以2(自我代言 vs. 非自我代言) × 2(互動性高 vs. 互動性低)的受測者間設計(between-subject design),觀察參與者使用Instagram限時動態AR濾鏡時,在不同的自我代言條件以及不同的互動性條件下,對於廣告態度和購買意圖兩者的廣告效果是否有所不同。本研究最後共有122位有效參與者完成體驗與問卷填寫,研究結果發現自我代言條件雖與廣告效果之間沒有顯著關係,但自我代言條件可以正向影響自我參照感,自我參照感可以正向影響廣告效果,且自我參照亦可以中介自我代言條件與廣告效果之間的關係。此外,互動性則對廣告態度與購買意圖皆有正向的影響,但未提供調節與調節中介效果。
    This study conducted an online experiment method to investigate the effect of different types of self-endorsing and interactivity in AR filter. In a 2 (self-endorsing vs. no self-endorsing) × 2 (high interactivity vs. low interactivity) between-subject design, 122 participants played an Instagram AR filter. The results show that self-endorsing in AR filter led to higher self-referencing, self-referencing led to higher attitude toward the ad and purchase intention, and self-referencing mediated the interaction effects of self-endorsing on attitude toward the ad and purchase intention. Also, interactivity has a positive impact on attitude toward the ad and purchase intention. However, the moderating effects and moderated mediation effect of interactivity were not statistically significant.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200188
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