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    Title: 臺灣新聞媒體臉書專頁發布香港反送中運動報導的新聞框架與新聞偏向之研究:以四大報為例
    News Framing of the 2019 Hong Kong Protests on Facebook Pages: A Content Analysis of News Coverage in Taiwan
    Authors: 張俐禎
    Chang, Li-Chen
    Contributors: 韓義興
    Han, Yi-Hsing
    Chang, Li-Chen
    Keywords: 香港反送中運動
    the 2019 Hong Kong Protests
    News Framing
    News Bias
    News Sources
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 18:25:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 香港2019年發生的「反送中運動」警民衝突的場景令人印象深刻,但人們對於該事件的認知從何而來?本研究以「新聞框架」理論的觀點出發,藉此探討新聞報導再現「香港反送中運動」的過程中,受到何種新聞框架影響,而展現不同的社會真實面向(Entman, 1993)。另外,過往研究也發現,新聞媒體在報導新聞事件時,可能受媒體立場之影響,而在報導中呈現「新聞偏向」之情勢(Hackett, 1984; Bennett, 1995)。至於其他影響新聞真實之因素,如新聞框架與消息來源、新聞偏向與消息來源,以及議題與消息來源之間的關係在本文也有所討論。

    本研究採內容分析法,探討台灣四家主要新聞媒體《自由時報》、《蘋果日報》、《聯合報》及《中國時報》於其臉書新聞粉絲專頁發布的相關報導,並以網路社群上的「集體監看」之概念(Bruns, 2018),篩選出549則新聞報導作為研究樣本。研究結果發現,台灣新聞媒體在臉書新聞粉絲專頁上發布的「香港反送中運動」新聞報導,以「情感框架」使用的比例最高,其次分別為「歸因框架」、「衝突框架」與「道德框架」,而不同新聞媒體在使用新聞框架上也有所差異。其中,《自由時報》與《蘋果日報》傾向使用「情感框架」;《聯合報》傾向使用「歸因框架」;《中國時報》則傾向使用「衝突框架」。此外,「情感框架」與主要消息來源為「網友」的新聞報導呈相關性。

    The current study employed the four news frames identified in previous studies on framing in the specific context of a significant protest event “Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Bill Movement” in 2019. The purpose was to explore how the movement was portrayed or framed in Taiwan’s news media and their possible effects on Taiwan’s public opinion as Entman (1993) suggested. This study also examined the news bias, news sources, and issues in the news reporting during the 2019 Hong Kong protests.

    A total of 549 Taiwan news stories were content analyzed in the period of “Hong Kong’s Anti-Extradition Bill Movement,” posted on their Facebook pages, including four major media outlets in Taiwan, including the China Times, the Liberty Times, the United Daily News, and the Apple Daily. The results showed that, overall, the human-interest frame was most commonly used in the news, followed by the attribution of responsibility frame, the conflict frame, and the morality frame, respectively. The results also indicated that media outlets reported the news in biased ways although news media have been expected to be unbiased in their coverage of political issues.

    In addition, through an investigation of news media framing and news bias in Taiwan, the results revealed how news coverage has resulted in several frames that have narrow perspectives and how the same movement was reported by news outlets in different ways. The possible reasons for these differences and theoretical implications were discussed.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107464023
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200197
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