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    Title: 健身工作室因應疫情策略之研究
    How Fitness Clubs Cope with COVID-19: The Case of the Small Fitness Gym
    Authors: 高以芹
    Kao, Yi-Chin
    Contributors: 于卓民

    Yu, Chwo-Ming
    Chang, David

    Kao, Yi-Chin
    Keywords: 小型健身工作室
    Fitness studio
    Boutique fitness
    Virtual workout
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 18:22:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 健身市場是一分散式產業(fragmented market),隨著競爭加劇,新型態的健身服務日新月異想要攻佔這塊市場。健身科技及健身課程在近幾年迅速竄起,新冠肺炎疫情各國封城措施更加速數位化健身服務的成長及消費者的青睞。本研究透過四間個案訪談,了解主題式小型健身房常態下的資源能力及商業模式,進而瞭解業者如何在健身課程線上化及疫情影響的狀況下作出因應策略及行動方針。主題式小型健身房主題明確,找到服務缺口的利基市場後,應用關鍵客群的特性進行,找到適切、相對應的一般通路及行銷方式。顧客關係維護上多以口碑行銷為主,以專業及同理心服務取得顧客的信任及忠誠度。社群行銷是主題式小型健身房增加曝光度獲取客源及合作的形式。由於資源較少,小型健身房傾向透過策略聯盟形式擴大服務內容,但收益流仍較單一風險控制能力低;人事組織扁平但其支出仍佔所有成本中最高,因好的薪資福利為業者保持市場競爭力及團隊凝聚力之方式。
    The fitness industry is fragmented, with business models ranging from large chains like Planet Fitness to boutique fitness studios. Along with an increasingly competitive environment, the service offerings provided to fitness enthusiasts has increased in both variety and complexity. More recently, technology mediated service offerings like mobile and wearable fitness technology and online fitness classes have become hard to neglect. Like any other industry, the whole fitness industry was forced into an era of uncertainty when COVID-19 hit and the world was put on lockdown. Virtual workouts, streaming, and on-demand fitness existed before the COVID-19 crisis. However, the fitness industry had to react to a sudden and dramatic shift in consumer demand that this crisis presented.
    This case study focuses on 4 theme-based small fitness gyms in northern Taiwan, each of which has a unique niche key customer group such as female- or child-fitness. By analyzing persona and customer needs, the cases highlight distinctive channels and marketing specifically for the target customers. Word-of-mouth is crucial marketing strategy for these boutique gyms. Providing bespoke professional training and the human-touch was integral to achieve the over-arching goal of building trust and loyalty with the customers. Small gyms rely heavily on social media to gain market exposure, collaborations, and customers. However, due to resource limitations, small gyms tend to seek different kinds of strategic alliances in order to expand their service combination. On the other hand, their revenue stream is often weaker and these boutique gyms have reduced risk control capability.
    During lockdown, all of the four cases provided online streaming workout sessions, yet only 10% to 30% of students displayed interest in participating in this type of virtual workout. Both gym owner and customers were forced to adapt to online classes; however, there are two main obstacles to embracing this digitalization change. First is the managing barrier: Virtual workout challenges the foundation of brick-and-mortar fitness gyms. It’s difficult for the traditional gym owners to calculate the profit and cost of bringing a class online, the revenue of virtual workout is also on average lower than a face-to-face training session. Thus, both the gym owners and trainers are not motivated to make the change even under the pressure of COVID-19. The second barrier relates to the technology limitations: The facilities and equipment needed for the online streaming class can be overwhelming for trainers and students. Without proper training, not everyone is tech savvy enough to handle the complexity of teaching, learning, working out, and monitoring screens at the same time. All of the gym owners of the case study agreed that virtual workout is not an appropriate and efficient business model for them, and subsequently did not continue their online class offering after the lockdown came to an end.
    To date only 70% to 80% of the customers have returned to their original gyms after COVID19, the industry is yet to recover from this historic economic slump. However, gym owners have learned a lesson from COVID-19. Responses by gym owners included modified pricing schemes to attract customers with higher disposable income and improving cash flow. Despite a lack of profitability, the online class has helped in generating interest and improved reputation to gyms, collaboration opportunities, and new customers. Therefore, all of the owners during the case interview are positive about the future of fitness industry. The hype of fitness technology will be the value add for the brick-and-mortar fitness gyms instead of the replacement. Gym enthusiasts now enjoy a more integrated online and offline workout experience, with healthy lifestyle options becoming easier to access for customers.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200237
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