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    題名: 高齡者參與全人健康社會行動方案之行動研究
    An Action Research on Wellness and Community Action Program for Seniors
    作者: 楊昕瑜
    Yang, Hsin-Yu
    貢獻者: 詹志禹
    Yang, Hsin-Yu
    關鍵詞: 全人健康
    Spiritual Transformation
    Action Research
    日期: 2022
    上傳時間: 2022-03-01 18:01:03 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 本研究以「全人健康、優勢希望理論、華德福課程設計模式」,結合「生命故事敘說」建構團體方案,帶領高齡者「身體覺察、冥想、生命故事分享與整體回饋」等,探究其參與經驗及對全人健康之影響。


    全人健康之影響為:(一) 提升身體狀態覺察與觀照;(二) 情緒抒發、梳理及釐清;(三) 確認自我需求與核心信念提升服務學習動力;(四) 聚焦家庭對個人生命意義、價值信念與老年之影響;(五) 平衡人我關係以提升內在情緒穩定。(六) 面對老年焦慮,提升準備度,釐清自我需求、積極行動並接納未知。

    研究者提出,高齡方案可:(一) 以「家庭」為探究生命議題之核心;(二)透過身體活動及情緒覺察、使個人生命議題能「向內深化」;(三) 穩固內在信念後才能「向外延伸」至關係連結與靈性喚醒;(四) 遠距介入居完整的評估及準備,減少資訊操作並增加情感連結。(五) 生命故事敘說,需打破理論框架,強化個人獨特性,故事的歷程性,與多元開放性。

    未來政策及實務建議為:(一) 降低高齡政策與資源之年齡;(二)增加心理靈性主題課程之資源;(三) 增加高齡者遠距介入之教育訓練;(四) 融入家人、友伴之系統合作於高齡課程中。
    In this study, a group intervention for elderly persons was designed based on the whole-person wellness approach, strength-based theory, hope theory, and Waldorf education in conjunction with life stories and personal narratives to assist elderly people to observe and contemplate their physical status, share their life stories, and offer feedback on the intervention. This study then examined the participants’ experiences and the effects of their participation in the whole person wellness approach.

    Nine participants were recruited and divided into three groups. Seven intervention sessions were conducted remotely alongside pre-intervention and post-intervention interviews. Through retrospection and narration of life stories, emotional expression, support and rapport were expressed. In the re-telling and clarification of their stories, the participants obtained an impetus to the meaning of life and personal values and beliefs, and, in the process, discovered their distinctiveness.

    The impact of the whole-person wellness intervention are as follows: (1) Improve physical awareness and observation; (2) Facilitate emotional expression, organization, and clarity; (3) Validate personal needs and core beliefs, as well as increase learning and service motivation; (4), Focus on the significance of family on their own meaning in life, values, and beliefs, and aging; (5) Balance interpersonal relations and enhance internal emotional stability; (6) Increase psychological preparedness towards anticipatory geriatric anxiety, delineate their personal needs, act accordingly, and acceptthe unknown.

    We propose that interventions for the elderly can be centered on five approaches: (1) Explore life issues from a familial standpoint; (2) Internalize and deepen personal life issues through physical activities and emotional observation; (3) Stabilize internal beliefs before expanding to external relations and spiritual growth; (4) Reduce informational operations and strengthen emotional bonds, complete assessment, and preparation for remote intervention; (5) Break through the theoretical framework in life story narratives to strengthen personal uniqueness, life story progression, and openness to diversity.

    Going forward, we suggest the following policy and practical recommendations: (1) Reduce the age in elderly policies and resources; (2) Increase the number of resources for psychological- and spiritual-themed courses; (3) Strengthen training for elderly people concerning remote intervention; (4) Integrate family and friend-based cooperative systems in elderly learning courses.
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    描述: 博士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106152502
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200331
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