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Title: | 人格特質、工作滿足及薪資滿意度對離職傾向關係之研究-以某科技公司為例 The Relationships among Personality Traits, Job Satisfaction, Compensation Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention – A Case of the Technology Company |
Authors: | 周思伶 Chou, Shih-Lin |
Contributors: | 羅光達 周思伶 Chou, Shih-Lin |
Keywords: | 人格特質 工作滿足 薪資滿意度 離職傾向 Personality Traits Job Satisfaction Compensation Satisfaction Turnover Intention |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2022-03-01 17:59:17 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 如何提升科技業的人力資源永續運用與產能發展一直是科技產業重視的議題,再加上近年對岸不段挖角我國的科技人才,科技人才對於台灣產業的重要性更是不言而喻,企業越需要透過員工專業知識與科技技術發展,那就更應該重視公司內部的員工離職因素,因為唯有將具備專才及技能的職員留下,才能轉變為企業本身競爭力的動能。所以,在這種狀況下,確保人才願意留下服務,不能僅是呼喊口號、精神鼓舞的方式,企業如何降低部門員工的離職傾向就是一門重要的學問。 為了降低科技業員工的離職意願,此次研究主在探究科技業員工的人格特質、工作滿足及薪資滿意度情形以及人口統計變項,對於其離職意願影響因素,研究對象以某科技業職員為主,對其離職傾向實施探討。 在二元羅吉斯迴歸與序數斯羅吉斯迴歸模型分析後發現到,科技業員工的工作滿足、薪資滿意度對於其離職傾向呈現顯著以及負向相關。在8項的人口統計變項方面,則發現到性別、年齡、服務年資以及職務等四項,對於離職傾向具有顯著的相關。所以公司無論是在主管的決策模式、獎金發放制度還是勞雇雙方溝通上,都可以參考相關建議,以降低企業員工職職頃向意願。 How to improve the sustainable use of human resources and the development of production in the technology industry has always been a topic that the technology industry attaches importance to. In recent years, the importance of technology talents to Taiwan is even more self-evident. The more development through employee expertise and technology, the more attention should be paid to the factor of employee turnover, because only expertise and skills can be turned into competitiveness of the company. Therefore, ensuring that retention is not just a slogan and encouragement. How to reduce the turnover tendency is an important thing. In order to reduce the turnover tendency, this research mainly explores the personality traits, job satisfaction and salary satisfaction, as well as demographic variables. The research object is based on discussion the employee of the turnover tendency. After analyzing the binary logistic regression and ordered logistic regression, it is found that the job satisfaction and salary satisfaction of employees in the technology industry are negatively related to their turnover intention. In terms of eight demographic variables, four items including gender, age, seniority, and position are related with turnover intention. Therefore, the company can refer to relevant suggestions of the supervisor’s decision-making model, bonus payment system, or communication between employer and employees, so as to reduce the turnover tendency. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 108921077 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921077 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200151 |
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