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    Title: 性別環境對青少年心理健康狀態的影響:單一性別與混合性別環境之比較
    Influence of gender environment on adolescent mental health : comparison of single-sex and mixed-sex environments
    Authors: 洪英華
    Hung, Ying-Hua
    Contributors: 胡力中
    Hu, Li-Chung
    Hung, Ying-Hua
    Keywords: 單一性別教育
    Single-sex schooling
    Environmental factor
    Adolescent mental health
    Taiwan Education Panel Survey
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 17:50:00 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過往研究曾就不同性別環境中之青少年學業成就表現進行討論,然對於性別環境如何影響青少年心理健康狀態卻少有著墨。青少年是個體一生中重要的發展階段之一,藉由「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」第三波與第四波高中職學生樣本問卷,本研究針對不同性別環境中之青少年心理健康狀態進行比較,旨在找出不同性別環境中,影響青少年心理健康狀態的關鍵因素,以及在控制家庭背景因素下(父母教育期望、父母教育程度),朋友數量、自我教育期望及性別環境對於青少年心理健康狀態的影響。本研究有效樣本共計4261人,包括男性2113人與女性2148人,其中,處於純男性環境者共592人,處於純女性環境者共677人。研究結果顯示,在多元迴歸分析模型中,朋友數量在不同性別環境中並無顯著差別;並且,性別環境的差異並不會影響青少年自我教育期望,青少年心理健康狀態亦不會受到性別環境所影響。綜而言之,性別環境的差異並非影響青少年發展的關鍵因素。最終,本研究依據上述結果提出結論與建議,以供後進研究者參考。
    Previous studies have discussed the academic performance of adolescents in different gender environments , but little is known about how the gender environment affects the mental health of adolescent . Adolescence is one of the most important developmental stage in an individual’s life. Based on Taiwan Education Panel Survey’s core panel data from wave3(senior high school/10th grade) and wave 4 (senior high school/12rd grade),this study provides a comparison of adolescent metal health in single-sex and mixed sex environment . The main purpose of this study was to identify the key cause that affect the adolescent mental health, and investigate the difference between environmental factors(single-sex or mixed-sex schools )on the number of friends and self-education expectations by controlling for family background (parental education expectations, parental educational attainment ) .Totally 4261 students were selected from Taiwan Educational Panel Survey (TEPS), 2113 boys(592 male students from single-sex schools )and 2148 girls(677 female students from single-sex schools ) . Multiple regression analysis model showed that by controlling for family background , no significant difference was found in the number of friends regardless of gender environments . In addition, the difference of gender environments does not affect adolescent’s self-education expectations. Furthermore , mental health does not vary by gender environments. In conclusion , according to the research , differences in the gender environments have no affect on adolescents . Nevertheless , there are some suggestions and implications for future researchers.
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