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Title: | 論使用醫療人工智慧系統之侵權責任—以臨床決策輔助系統為中心 A Study on Tortious Liability for Using Medical Artificial Intelligence Systems—Focusing on the Clinical Decision Support Systems |
Authors: | 羅濟軒 Lo, Chi-Hsuan |
Contributors: | 劉宏恩 Liu, Hung-En 羅濟軒 Lo, Chi-Hsuan |
Keywords: | 人工智慧 醫療臨床決策輔助系統 侵權責任 醫療過失責任 商品責任 高自主醫療AI Artificial Intelligence Medical Clinical Decision Support System Tortious Liability Medical Negligence Liability Product Liability Highly Autonomous Medical AI |
Date: | 2022 |
Issue Date: | 2022-03-01 17:35:23 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著應用於醫學影像判讀分析與提供治療方案之醫療臨床決策輔助系統興起,改變醫療機構、醫師與病患間的互動關係,體現於告知說明義務內容、醫療機構、醫師執行醫療業務之注意義務內容與標準之調整,及使用系統為病患診療之醫療過失與責任成立之認定。又,若系統出錯,系統製造商是否需負責,究竟醫療機構、醫師與系統製造商應如何分配責任?當未來出現高自主醫療AI,醫療機構、製造商又應如何分配責任?
鑑於現階段臨床決策輔助系統居於輔助角色,醫師負有把關系統決策正確性與最終決策之責任。然而AI之資料依賴性、自主性、不透明性與不可預測性,需考量系統製造商相較醫療機構、醫師,較有能力與機會控制系統風險,尤其針對未來應用之高自主醫療AI,製造商自須負起主要之賠償責任,醫療機構仍須負起使用人責任。然而,未來醫療AI無可避免越趨複雜、人類越難掌握風險,需考量建立與加強包含醫療強制責任險、產品責任險、甚至是醫療AI救濟補償基金,並延伸討論是否需賦予醫療AI法人格之責任體系。無論如何,皆以消費者,甚至是第三人都能順利且快速地獲得損害填補為最終目的。 With the emergence of medical clinical decision support systems that are applied to medical image interpretation and analysis, and proffering treatment plans, the interactive relationship between medical institutions, physicians and patients has changed. It reflects in the adjustment to the content of informed consent obligation, the standard of care with medical institutions and physicians providing medical services, and determination of the establishment of medical negligence and liability when using systems to provide patient for diagnosis and treatment. In addition, if systems made mistakes, would the system manufacturer should take the responsibility for it? How could medical institutions, physicians and system manufacturers allocate responsibilities? When highly autonomous medical AI emerges in the future, how should medical institutions and manufacturers allocate responsibilities?
The purpose of this study is to explore whether we can claim for medical negligence liability and product liability against medical institutions, physicians, and system manufacturers in accordance with Civil Code, Medical Care Act, Consumer Protection Act, and Medical Devices Act. We will sort out and analyze the opinions of American scholars on the adjustment of the legal elements of medical negligence. In addition, we will discuss our country product liability on the application of medical AI, which is based on the same disputes with the European Union and the United States product liability laws applying to the legal elements of AI. Furthermore, we will outline the management and supervision measures of AI products by reading and analyzing research reports published by the relevant European Union institutions on AI and other emerging technologies. Meanwhile, we will discuss the emerging theory of liability proposed in the European Union research reports, American literature, and the related legislation about self-driving vehicles.
Since the clinical decision support systems are currently in an auxiliary role, the physicians are responsible for the accuracy of the system’s decision-making, and the final decision. However, the data dependence, autonomy, opacity, and unpredictability of the AI, it is considered that the system manufacturers have the better ability and opportunity to control the risks than the medical institutions and physicians. Especially for the highly autonomous medical AI used in the future, the system manufacturer must bear the main compensation responsibility, and medical institutions still have to assume the responsibility of the user. In the future, medical AI will inevitably become more complex and difficult for humans to control the risks. It is necessary to establish and strengthen medical compulsory liability insurance, product liability insurance, and even medical AI relief and compensation funds, and extend the discussion on whether the responsibility system should be given to the medical AI legal personality. In any case, the ultimate goal is that consumers, even third parties, can successfully and immediately obtain the damage compensation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 法律科際整合研究所 107652020 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107652020 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200350 |
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