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    Title: 領導技能、心理資本、壓力調適、組織競爭力、組織績效與組織幸福感之相關研究
    The Research of Leader’ s Skills, Psychological Capital, Stress Adjustment, Organizational Competitiveness, Organizational Performance and Organizational Well-Being
    Authors: 黃心怡
    Huang, Xin-Yi
    Contributors: 張裕隆
    Huang, Xin-Yi
    Keywords: 領導技能
    Leadership WICS model
    Psychological capital
    Stress adjustment
    Organizational competitiveness
    Organizational performance
    Organizational well-being
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 17:16:47 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在現今這個快速變遷的時代,工作壓力實為一項不可忽視的重要議題,本研究希望探討對壓力調適有正面幫助的因素,並從領導技能WICS出發,探討擁有領導技能WICS的領導者能否增進員工的心理資本進而增進其壓力調適的能力,此外,本研究亦探討壓力調適能否進而對組織競爭力、組織績效與組織幸福感產生正面影響。
    本研究採取便利取樣,共收集191份有效樣本。將量表題目透過信效度分析以及因素分析刪除不適當的題目後,以階層迴歸分析檢驗各假設,並以結構方程模型檢驗研究架構之適切性。本研究量表皆具有良好的內部一致性信度(.87~.96)與效標關聯效度(.35~.79)。本研究之研究結果顯示:1. 領導技能WICS對心理資本具有正向且顯著的影響;2. 心理資本對壓力調適具有正向且顯著的影響;3. 壓力調適對組織競爭力具有正向且顯著的影響;4. 組織競爭力對組織績效具有正向且顯著的影響;5. 組織績效對組織幸福感具有正向且顯著的影響;6. 領導技能WICS對組織績效具有正向且顯著的影響(支持);7. 領導技能WICS對組織幸福感具有正向且顯著的影響(支持)。
    In today’s fast-paced era, work stress is indeed an issue that cannot be ignored. This study aims to explore the factor that have a positive effect on stress adjustment. Starting with leadership WICS model, this research hypothesize that the leaders with WICS skills can help employees increase their psychological capital, and further increase their abilities on stress adjustment. Also, this study aims to explore whether stress adjustment can bring the positive impact to organizational competitiveness, organizational performance and organizational well-being.
    This study collected totally 191 usable sample by adopting convenience sampling. After deleting the unappropriate items of the questionnaire by conducting reliability, validity and factor analysis, this study tested all of the hypothesis by using hierarchical regression analysis, and conduting the structural equation modeling analysis to test the appropriateness of the entire research structure. The questionaires of the research have high interal-consistensy reliability(.87~.96) and criterion-related validity(.35~.79). The results showed that 1. leadership WICS has a positive effect on psychological capital;2. psychological capital has a positive effect on stress adjustment;3. stress adjustment has a positive effect on organizational competitiveness; 4. organizational competitiveness has a positive effect on organizational performance;5. organizational performance has a positive effect on organizational well-being; 6. leadership WICS has a positive effect on organizational performance; and 7. leadership WICS has a positive effect on organizational well-being.
    Finally, an integerated model for organization to diagnosis and develop and suggestions for future research were proposed to help develop more macro, micro and longitudinal researches concerning leadership, psychological capital, stress adjustment, organizational competitiveness, organizational performance and organizational well-being.
    Keyword: leadership WICS model, psychological capital, stress adjustment, organizational competitiveness, organizational performance, organizational well-being
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108752016
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200150
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