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    Title: 韓籍漢語學習者使用「在V」與「V著」之分析
    A study on the acquisition of 在V and V著 for Korean Chinese L2 learners
    Authors: 金璱琦
    Kim, Seul-Gi
    Contributors: 張莉萍
    Chang, Li-Ping
    Kim, Seul-Gi
    Keywords: 韓籍學習者
    Korean learner
    Second language acquisition
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 17:14:50 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   本研究以69名韓籍學習者為主要對象,分析漢語「在V」和「V著」的學習情況。「在V」與「V著」是漢語語法中常用的句型之一,具有「進行」與「持續」的意義。韓語也有對應形式如「고 있다(go issda)」和「-아/어 있다(a/eo issda)」。本研究從漢韓「在」與「著」的語義、結構形式、動詞搭配的層面,比較漢韓之間的異同,並預測漢語「在、著」對韓籍學習者的難易度。
      問卷答案可分為以下四大類型:「在V」、「V著」、「『在V、V著』或『動詞原型』皆可的動詞」及「僅能使用原型動詞」。蒐集語料後,分析韓籍學習者的各項動詞答案正確率,並觀察正確率較高與較低的動詞類型。分析四大類型回答的結果如下:(1)「動作動詞」跟「在」搭配時,平均正確率最高,為 69.7%。(2)「動詞」跟「著」搭配時,平均正確率為 57%,其中「動作動詞」的正確率高於「狀態動詞」,前者為75%,後者為39%,這表示受試者尚未掌握狀態動詞與「著」的用法。(3)「在V、V著」或「動詞原型」皆可的動作動詞,如「咳嗽、關」,答題結果選「在V」或「V著」的受試者較多。(4)僅能使用原型動詞的答案中,「變化動詞、部分動作動詞、部分狀態動詞」不能跟「在、著」搭配。問卷題目中,動詞「提高、搭」在漢語與韓語分屬不同的動詞類型,若受試者未能掌握此類動詞的用法,則會產生偏誤。從以上四類回答的結果,可推測出產生偏誤的可能因素有:母語干擾、目標語複雜度、學習者因素及教材因素等。
    This research is based on 69 Korean learners as the main subject to analyze the situation of Chinese "Zai V" and "V Zhe". The Chinese "Zai" and "Zhe" are one of the most commonly used sentence patterns in Chinese grammar, which have the meaning of "progress" and "continuing". The Korean language also has corresponding forms such as "-고 있다(go issda)" and "-아/어 있다(a/eo issda)". This research compares the similarities and differences between Chinese and Korean languages in terms of the semantics, structural form, and verb collocation of "Zai" and "Zhe", and predicts the difficulty of Chinese "Zai, Zhe" for Korean learners.

    We observed the reasons for errors and learning difficulties in the process of Korean learners` acquisition of the two-sentence patterns. This research uses questionnaires to collect corpus, based on Deng Shouxin`s (1974) Verb Tripartite Theory, to test whether learners can master the usage of various verbs in conjunction with "Zai" and " Zhe".

    The results of the answers can be divided into the following four types, such as " Zai V", " V Zhe", "verbs that can be Zai V, V Zhe or base form of the verb", and "Verbs that only the base form is the answer". We analyzed whether Korean learners correctly matched "Zai" and "Zhe" with verbs, and observed the correct answer accuracy for the verb types of verbs with high and low correct rates. The analysis results for the four categories of responses are as follows:

    1. The average correct rate of "Action verb" and "Zai" is as high as 69.7%.
    2. The average correct rate of "verb" followed by "Zhe" is 57%, and the correct rate of "Action verb" is higher than that of "State verb", the former is 75%, and the latter is 39%, which means that Korean learners haven`t mastered the usage of "State verb" and "Zhe".
    3. Regarding the Action verbs that are either "Zai V, V Zhe" or "base form of the verb", such as "to cough, to close", more Korean learners chose "Zai V" or "V Zhe".
    4. Only the base form of the verb in the answer "Process verb, part Action verb, part State verb" cannot be collocated with "Zai, Zhe".

    According to the results of the questionnaire, "to raise, to take (a taxi)" has different verb types in Chinese and Korean languages. If Korean learners do not know enough about the classification of Chinese and Korean verbs, there will be errors. The results of the above Four types of responses can be speculated on the factors causing the errors such as mother tongue interference, target language complexity, learner factors, and textbook factors, etc.

    Finally, this research analyzes the two most commonly used Chinese textbooks in Taiwan: "A Course in Contemporary Chinese" and "New Practical Audio-Visual Chinese", and proposes teaching suggestions for "Zai V" and "V Zhe" suitable for Korean learners.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105161018
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200349
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