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    Please use this identifier to cite or link to this item: https://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/139166

    Title: 人格特質、領導模式與組織承諾之研究: 以A銀行為例
    A study of Personality Traits, Leadership Models and Organizational Commitment-Taking A Bank for example
    Authors: 蔡孟霞
    Tsai, Meng-Hsia
    Contributors: 詹文男

    Tsan, Victor
    Sang, Shari S. C.

    Tsai, Meng-Hsia
    Keywords: 人格特質
    Personality traits
    Transformational leadership
    Transactional leadership
    Organizational commitment
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-03-01 16:52:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 早期在銀行上班被稱為「捧著金飯碗」,隨著金融自由化,金融業的競爭加劇,民國110年純網銀加入營運後,對於金融業的衝擊越來越大。根據報載近3年未滿30歲的銀行員離職屢創新高,公股行庫也不例外。很多研究發現企業文化是影響員工價值觀的最主要因素,而主管即是傳達企業文化的直接媒介,透過他們管理技有助於穩定員工情緒,激勵他們投入工作,提升服務品質的提升。
    根據Heskett et al., 的服務價值鏈強調滿意的員工才有滿意的客戶,留任優質員工有助於提升生產力,該理論中未納入主管的管理方式,本研究擬探討主管領導與員工組織承諾之關係。本研究之對象A銀行為一家官股銀行,擬探討不同的人格特質的行員及不同主管的管理方式下,對組織忠誠度及投入情形。研究結果發現:
    Working in a bank was a good job in the past. With the liberalization of finance, the competition in the financial industry has intensified. After pure online banking joined in the 2021, the impact on the financial industry has become more and more serious. According to reports, staffs resigned under the age of 30 have a record high in the past three years. Corporate culture is the most important factor affecting employees, and supervisors are the media to convey corporate culture. Through their management skills can help stabilize employees` emotions and improve service quality.
    According to Heskeet et al., (1994) “the service value chain” emphasizes that employees satisfied will improve customers satisfaction, retaining high-quality employees helps to improve productivity. But this theory does not discuss about the management style of supervisors and personality traits. This study intends to explore employees`s loyalty and commitment under different personality traits and management styles of supervisors. The research results found that:
    1. Different personality traits do have different effects on organizational commitment. Employees with conscientiousness, friendliness, and extroversion have a positive relationship, while those with neuroticism and openness have a negative relationship.
    2. Transformational leadership who use affinity and motivation-inspired has a positive relationship with organizational commitment.
    3. Transactional leaders not only good use of goals and rewards, also need dynamic management to have a positive relationship with organizational commitment. Laissez-faire management will have the opposite effect.
    According to the above research results, treat different personality traitsif using different leadership models, not only achieve the motivational effect, but also help to improve employees` willingness to stay.
    Reference: 中文部分:

    書 籍

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108932101
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200185
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