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Title: | 蛻變: 論柯姆.托賓《布魯克林》中愛爾蘭女性移民的經驗與成長 “Something close to glamour”: Immigration, Irishness and Female Bildungsroman in Colm Tóibín’s Brooklyn |
Authors: | 施伊 Shih, Yi |
Contributors: | 陳音頤 Chen, Yin-I 施伊 Shih, Yi |
Keywords: | 柯姆.托賓 《布魯克林》 女性成長小說 跨國女性移民 自我實現 Colm Tóibín Brooklyn Female Bildungsroman Transnational Female Migrant Self-fulfillment |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2022-03-01 16:30:39 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 愛爾蘭作家柯姆.托賓以刻畫其角色身處大環境下的孤寂及沉默著稱,無論是與家庭疏離、被異性戀霸權社會排斥、或是因移民找不到歸屬的他者們都是其關懷的族群。在《布魯克林》中,托賓描繪了身為國際移民的女主角艾莉絲.雷西必須在祖國-愛爾蘭及移民國-美國間做選擇的掙扎。許多評論家認為其小說結尾揭露了作為一個移民的命運:再也無法被祖國真正接納而只能被迫離開。但將《布魯克林》視為一部移民女性成長小說,我認為即便艾莉絲的家(國)對她始終有很強的拉力,但她最終選擇回到美國的決定是一個主動的且對她個人自我成長、實現更好的選擇。 本論文將分為三個部分,以分析作為一個英雌,艾莉絲最終的決定為何正向及自願的。第一部份,我認為艾莉絲的才華及天賦是被其貧困且封閉的家鄉所埋沒的,唯有踏上旅途她才能發展其天賦。第二部份著重在移民至美國後,經歷過一連串的挑戰、困境的艾莉絲如何抓住了蛻變的機會;然而,因為她移民身分及對家的依戀使其成長無法圓滿。第三部份分析為何蛻變後的艾莉絲在短暫拜訪故鄉後,即使在備受關注及認可的甜美誘惑下仍勇敢選擇回到美國開創自己的人生。 Colm Tóibín is one of the most renowned contemporary Irish novelists. Tóibín’s writing style is known for describing the solitude and the silence of his characters. In his oeuvre, some of his characters are distant from their family; others are excluded from the heterosexual society; still others are stuck in an ambivalent space between two opposite worlds. In his sixth work, Brooklyn, Eilis Lacey, the transnational heroine, struggles to make a decision between two opposite worlds, her homeland, Ireland and the hostland, America. This thesis attempts to argue that in Colm Tóibín’s Brooklyn, as a transnational female migrant who is suspended between two incompatible worlds, Eilis Lacey’s final decision to go back to her adoptive land is actually a voluntary and better choice for her self-fulfillment, even though she is still pulled to her homeland, Ireland. The thesis is divided into three parts. In the first part, analyzing Brooklyn as a contemporary Female Bildungsroman, I argue that Eilis needs to leave her hometown to get her chances to show her talent and potential, which are crippled by the economic slump and the closed, conservative environment of her hometown. In the second part, after immigrating to Brooklyn, Eilis seizes the chance to transform after undergoing a series of challenges and adventures; however, her transnational migrant identity becomes an obstacle for her to settle down and to complete her transformation there. In the last part, for her self-development and her future of more possibilities, Eilis, in the end, bravely makes up her mind to return to Brooklyn while giving up the relatively familiar and stable life in her hometown in spite of its strong pull to her always. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 英國語文學系 106551003 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106551003 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200148 |
Appears in Collections: | [英國語文學系] 學位論文
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