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    Title: 企業數位轉型之實務探討– 以B公司為例
    An Empirical Study of Business Digital Transformation - A Case Study of B Company
    Authors: 劉思岑
    Liu, Szu-Tsen
    Contributors: 韓志翔
    Han, Tzu-Shian
    Liu, Szu-Tsen
    Keywords: 數位轉型
    Digital transformation
    Customer orientation
    Business model
    Digital technology
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-02-10 13:21:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由於新科技蓬勃發展、數位化應用跟消費型態也不斷蛻變,數位轉型不論在國內外都是非常熱門的議題,對企業來說更是必須面對的趨勢,除了導入數位科技,數位轉型的核心還必須建立在「客戶為導向」的基礎上,最終轉型成效可以進而改變客戶體驗、營運流程以及再造新商業模式,為企業提升競爭優勢。


    經研究發現,個案轉型的動機來自於對外部環境及科技進步下產生的危機感。個案以內部創業的燈具部門為轉型初始,在摸索的過程中嘗錯建新,由過去通路模式轉向直接面對終端客戶,並藉由其敏捷性組織的運作以及數位科技的運用,轉型為DTC(direct to consumer)商業模式,最終成功吸引客戶並提升營運績效,也進而給予個案公司轉型的激勵,朝向更全面性的變革。
    As new technologies flourish and digital applications and consumer patterns continue to evolve, digital transformation is a hot topic both domestically and internationally, and it is a trend that enterprises must face. It leads to changes in customer experiences, operational processes, and the re-engineering of new business models, giving companies a competitive edge.

    In view of the importance of digital transformation, this study aims to examine the enterprises’ awareness of digital transformation, as well as the challenges and adjustments in the transformation process, especially in the case of domestic technology brands, which rely on business model distribution channels to recreate a new business model for their digital transformation. This study also integrates the important frameworks of digital transformation from both domestic and international academic and practical perspectives, analyzes the transformation process of a case with five major components of digital transformation, and provides directions for future improvement.

    It is found that the motivation for digital transformation comes from the challenges arising from the external environment and technological advancement. The transformation started from the digital lighting department. The department tried to build a new business model by moving from the old channel model to the direct to consumer (DTC) business model through its agile organization and the use of digital technology. They eventually succeeded in attracting customers and improving operational performances. This also gave the company the motivation to transform itself towards a more holistic change.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107363063
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200112
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