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    Title: 國民小學校長敏捷領導、教師專業承諾與教學創新擴散關係之研究
    A Study of Relationship among Principals’ Agile Leadership, Teachers’ Professional Commitment and Instructional Innovation Diffusion in Elementary Schools
    Authors: 陳威禎
    Chen, Wei-Jen
    Contributors: 陳木金
    Chen, MU-JIN
    Keywords: 校長敏捷領導
    Principals’ Agile Leadership
    Teachers’ Professional Commitment
    Instructional Innovation Diffusion
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-02-10 13:15:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究主要目的在瞭解國民小學校長敏捷領導、教師專業承諾與教學創新擴散之現況及關係。探討不同教育人員與學校環境背景下,對於校長敏捷領導、教師專業承諾與教學創新擴散知覺之現況及差異情形;探析長敏捷領導、教師專業承諾與教學創新擴散之關係;並檢定國民小學校長敏捷領導、教師專業承諾與教學創新擴散結構方程模式之適配情形。依據研究目的,本研究採用問卷調查法,編製「國民小學校長敏捷領導、教師專業承諾與教學創新擴散關係之調查問卷」進行調查,以中部地區四縣市包括臺中市、彰化縣、南投縣、苗栗縣之公立國民小學主任、組長與教師為調查對象,共抽取66所學校共計528位受試者為樣本,計回收482份有效問卷,有效問卷回收率為91.29%;蒐集的資料以敘述性統計分析、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析、積差相關分析及結構方程模式等統計方法進行分析。本研究所獲致之結論如下:
    三、中部四縣市國民小學教師知覺教學創新擴散整體及分向度呈現高程度,其中又以 「傳播推廣」得分最高,「說服接納」得分最低。
    The main purposes of this study are to understand the current situations and the relationships of Principals’Agile Leadership, Teachers’Professional Commitment and Instructional Innovation Diffusion in elementary schools, and to analyze the differences among Principals’Agile Leadership, Teachers’Professional Commitment and Instructional Innovation Diffusion among different teachers and school environment backgrounds in elementary schools.
    Furthermore, it also explores the relationships among Principals’Agile Leadership, Teachers’Professional Commitment and Instructional Innovation Diffusion in elementary schools. Finally, it verifies the proper fit situation of the structural equation model among Principals’Agile Leadership, Teachers’Professional Commitment and Instructional Innovation Diffusion in elementary schools.
    To achieve these purposes, this study adopts a questionnaire survey. “The investigative questionnaire of relationships among Principals’Agile Leadership, Teachers’Professional Commitment and Instructional Innovation Diffusion in elementary schools” is the main tool we use. The sample includes 528 teachers selected from 66 elementary schools in Taiwan. Of the distributed copies, 482 questionnaires have returned as valid, with the return rate of 91.29%. A series of statistical methods such as descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, stepwise multiple regression analysis and structural equation model are conducted to analyze the data collected. The conclusions of this study are as follows:
    1. The performance of Principals’Agile Leadership in the elementary schools has an above moderate performance in the overall and various aspects; with the highest score in " Cycle rapid performance review," and the lowest in “Participate in a shared culture.”
    2. The performance of Teachers’Professional Commitment in the elementary schools shows an above moderate performance in the overall and various aspects; with the highest score in “Work engagement,” and the lowest in “Retention tendency.”
    3. The Instructional Innovation Diffusion of the elementary schools shows an above moderate performance in the overall and various aspects; with the highest score in “Innovation promotion,” and the lowest in “Persuade and accept Innovation.”
    4. Based on the different background demography (age, education, current job and years in service) of the elementary school teachers, a significant difference among Principals’Agile Leadership, Teachers’Professional Commitment and Instructional Innovation Diffusion can be inferred.
    5. There is a significant positive correlation among Principals’Agile Leadership, Teachers’Professional Commitment and Instructional Innovation Diffusion.
    6. The proper fit situation of structural equation model among Principals’Agile Leadership, Teachers’Professional Commitment and Instructional Innovation Diffusion has been verified as positive, and can explain the relationships among these main variables. According to the conclusions, some suggestions are provided as references for the elementary schools, the Department of Education and future follow-up studies.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104152507
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200091
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