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    Title: 稅務人員角色壓力、情緒勞務與工作倦怠關係之探究—以臺北國稅局四個分局為研究對象
    The Study of the Relationship between Revenue officers’ Role Stress, Emotional Labor and Job Burnout-A Case of the Four Branches of NTBT
    Authors: 孫家莉
    Sun, Chia-Li
    Contributors: 羅光達
    Lo, Kuang-Ta
    Sun, Chia-Li
    Keywords: 稅務人員
    Revenue officer
    Role stress
    Emotional labor
    Job burnout
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-02-10 13:12:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國稅稽徵作為國家施政的主要收入來源,對於國家政策的推展影響甚鉅,而負責稅務徵收的稅務人員則至關重要。惟此工作因會侵害人民的財產權,增加民眾的痛苦感,故常不被民眾所喜,屬於吃力不討好的工作。現今社會民意當道,經濟發展日新月異,交易模式推陳出新,為因應環境變化,稅法不斷被增修,稅務工作不斷被加重,而稅務人員在此環境壓力下,仍被要求要向人民提供優質的服務品質。
    As the main source of government revenues, national taxation has a great influence on national policies, therefore revenue officers are very important. However, tax collection is often unpopular with public because this work infringes on the people’s property rights and increases their sense of pain. Nowadays, public opinion is in vogue, and transaction model has been innovated constantly with the rapid development of economy. In response to environmental changes, tax laws have been frequently amended and the workload of revenue officers has been increased significantly over recent years. Under these pressures, revenue officers are still required to provide high-quality service to the public.
    In order to understand if revenue officers are in a healthy working condition, this study aimed to investigate the current situation and relationships among role stress, emotional labor and job burnout for revenue officer. Using the questionnaire survey, data were collected from the four branches of National Taxation Bureau of Taipei (NTBT) employees. After analyzing the data, the conclusions of this study are as follows: 1. In the four branches of NTBT, the stress and burnout of revenue officers are both on the range of moderate, and the level of emotional labor is medium to high. 2. Different background variables have a partial impact on role stress, emotional labor and job burnout. 3. Role stress is significantly positively correlated with job burnout. 4. Surface acting emotional labor has positive impact on job burnout. Deep acting emotional labor has negative impact on job burnout. There is a negative correlation between overall emotional labor and job burnout.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108921011
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200032
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