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    Title: 政黨對於國會政治之形成—美國民主法理論之啟示
    Partisan Ordering of Parliamentary Politics in Taiwan: An Extension of Law of Democracy
    Authors: 易大為
    Yih, Dah-Wei
    Contributors: 林佳和
    Lin, Chia-Ho
    Yih, Dah-Wei
    Keywords: 民主法
    Law of democracy
    Political party
    Parliamentary politics
    Self-regulation of political party
    Seniority system
    Intraparty democracy
    Party autonomy
    Freedom of association
    Judicial review
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-02-10 13:07:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文嘗試從美國民主法理論視角觀察政黨與國會之相互關係,探討政黨—尤其主要政黨—是如何運用包含政府管制與政黨自我管制之規範形式形成國會政治,俾進行系統性制度考察暨總體規範理論檢討。具體而言,本文首先於實然層面開展系統性制度考察。藉由爬梳憲法文本及釋憲實務見解,本文指出對於政黨規範性之理解,除了結社自由之權利保障,亦不可忽略整體憲政權力安排、代議民主原則,以及經由憲法變遷所漸次形成的民主代表性結構轉變。本文復透過盤點分析含括國家法與政黨自我規範之制度文本,嘗試描繪臺灣當前主要政黨對於國會政治所形構的整體管制圖像;另藉由與政治圈內人之訪談方法,本文進一步釐清規範與實踐可能存在之落差。此外,經由法院裁判內容分析,本文並發現我國法院不僅大抵採取「實體事項予以尊重,程序事項加以審查」的態度,面對國家法與政黨自我規範競合之處理基本上恪遵國家法優先之裁判原則。其次,本文於應然層面進行總體規範理論暨司法審查方法之檢討。本文指出,鑑於主要政黨於代議民主政治秩序中之特殊角色扮演,應有必要自關照於政黨政治實踐之視角重新形塑政黨規範性內涵;於此,政黨三元理論及民主法結構觀點不唯提供了思考方向。就規範形式言,在肯認形構民主政治秩序之多元權威基礎上,本文認為政黨(尤其主要政黨)所作自我管制既非公權力行使,亦與單純結社自由之權利行使有間;毋寧,應將政黨自我規範理解為是由政黨—作為國家與社會間之中介組織—所發展出的複合性特殊民主規範,方能適切掌握主要政黨所為自我管制之規範意義。就規範內容言,基於維繫民主原則、分權制衡等憲政風險管理之思考,本文主張立法者應於國家法層次明定「黨團內部民主運作原則」;並認為我國現行規範採行所謂「資深制」容有改革必要。此外,本文亦針對包括國會紀律、政黨紀律與黨團紀律之紀律規範安排與適用提出幾點分析建議。最後,對於國家法與政黨自我規範衝突競合之解決,本文建議我國法院應揚棄國家法優位之單一裁判原則。取而代之地,除於困難案件中應以利益衡量法則個案認定政黨自我規範有無優先於國家法之實質正當性外,學說上提出將針對國家的民主憲法法轉化為具有針對政黨效力之嘗試,以及政黨三元理論、政黨管制之水力學原理等關照政黨政治運作實際之觀點不妨為我國法院提供了若干司法審查的思考路徑。
    The thesis attempts to conduct a systematic investigation on the institution and theory of partisan ordering of parliamentary politics in Taiwan through exploring the interrelationship between major political parties and the parliament, and examining how partisan-self regulation has diversified and complicated the political order of parliamentary democracy from the perspective of the law of democracy. Specifically, this thesis begins with a systematic investigation of the system in practice. A thorough review of the R.O.C. Constitution and J.Y. Interpretations shows that freedom of association is not the entirety of the normativity of political party; in fact, the normativity of political party should also involve the overall arrangement of constitutional power, the principle of representative democracy, and the structural change of political representation formed through constitutional changes. This article then attempts to illustrate the overall image of the current partisan ordering of parliamentary politics in Taiwan through normative analysis on legal materials including state laws and partisan rules, and further compare it with the empirical findings. Interviews with political insiders indicate that there is a possible gap between norms and practices, whereas the content analysis of court decisions suggests that courts in Taiwan generally adopt the attitude of "respecting substantive matters and reviewing procedural matters," and that the principle of the trump of state laws is mostly observed when dealing with the conflict of state laws and partisan rules.

    Secondly, this thesis evaluates the theory of partisan ordering of parliamentary politics as well as the corresponding methodology for judicial review. Considering that major political parties are key players of democratic politics, this thesis believes that it is more than necessary to reshape the normativity of political party from the perspective of the practice of party politics. The theory of tripartite formulation of political party and the structural theory of law of democracy, for example, may shed new light on the regulatory roles of the state, the courts, and the major political parties. By theorizing a pluralistic account of democratic authorities, this research argues that partisan self-regulation (especially by major political parties) is neither the exercise of power, nor that of the party’s associational right; rather, we should view partisan rules as a special partisan ordering of democracy to genuinely reflect political parties’ role as intermediaries between the civil society and the state, and to properly grasp the normative significance and implications of such rules. Furthermore, this thesis advocates that legislators should define clearly the "principle of intra-parliamentary party democracy " in state law, and that there is an urgent need to reevaluate the seniority system for the sake of constitutional risk management such as ensuring the effectivity of principle of democracy, separation of powers and checks and balances. In addition, this paper also provides suggestions for the application of disciplinary norms including legislative discipline, party discipline and caucus discipline. Finally, to resolve the conflict between state laws and partisan rules, the thesis suggests that Taiwanese courts abandon the single adjudication principle of the trump of the state law. Instead, in difficult cases, the principle of proportion should be adopted to determine whether or not partisan rules prevail over state laws. The theory of tripartite formulation of political party, the hydraulics and politics of party regulation, and other viewpoints concerning the practice of party politics may further provide some thoughts for judicial review.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106651045
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200115
    Appears in Collections:[法律學系] 學位論文

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