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    Title: 以行銷理論探究專利非實體營運商商業模式
    Research on Business Model of Patent Non-Practicing Entities with Marketing Theory
    Authors: 林志光
    Lin, Chih-Kuang
    Contributors: 邱志聖
    Lin, Chih-Kuang
    Keywords: 專利非實體營運商
    Patent Non-Practicing Entities
    Business Model Canvas
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-02-10 13:00:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,因智慧財產權的蓬勃發展,無形資產價值已經成為企業營運的主要獲利來源,尤其是在高度競爭的高科技產業中,高科技產業各企業利用具有獨占及排除他人競爭的智慧財產權,以增加營收並降低競爭者的競爭能力,使得智慧財產相關的營運活動成為企業經營成敗的重要因素。而臺灣的高科技產業為確保其產品具有競爭力,已申請的專利數已高居世界前六大國家/地區,但依中央銀行年報卻發現臺灣的智慧財產權使用費竟為淨支出且每年不斷的擴大淨支出金額。
    雖然經濟部曾於2011年起委託工研院成立創智智權管理股份有限公司,並委由工研院技轉法律中心執行成立臺灣技術交易平台等進行多項智慧資產的推展,但仍然無法挽回此劣勢。而反觀全球創造智慧資產價值最高的美國,與創造智慧資產最有關的專利訴訟中一半以上的原告竟是不從事產品生產或提供服務的專利非實體營運商(Non-Practicing Entities;NPEs)。而此專利非實體營運商的生存之道為何?為何台灣高科技廠商投入在專利努力在專利獲得數量上名列世界前茅,且經濟部及工研院亦努力將專利資產化,但卻無法如同專利非實體營運商一樣創造相當的智慧資產收入,專利非實體營運商的經營模式中應存在一定的競爭優勢值得我們探討。
    In recent years, the value of intangible assets has become the major source of profit for business operations, especially in highly competitive high-tech industries, where companies in high-tech industries use intellectual property rights that have exclusive rights and exclude others from competition. In order to increase revenue and reduce the competitiveness of competitors, companies’ activities related to intellectual property have become an important factor in the success or failure of business operations. For ensuring the competitiveness of its products, Taiwan’s high-tech industry has already acquired huge number of patents which is rating as the world’s top six countries/regions. However, according to the annual report of the Taiwan Central Bank, it is found that Taiwan’s intellectual property rights license fees are actually net expenditures and continue to expand the net expenditures from year to year.
    Although the Ministry of Economic Affairs assigned the Industrial Technology Research Institute to establish Intellectual Property Management Co. Ltd. and Taiwan Technology Trading Platform in 2011for creating the intellectual assets, but did not get better results. On the other hand, in the United States, where the value of creating intellectual assets is the highest in the world, more than half of the plaintiffs in patent litigation related to the creation of intellectual assets are patent non-practicing entities (“NPEs”) that do not engage in product production or provide services. What is the way for the NPEs to survive? Why are Taiwan’s high-tech companies investing in patents to rank high in the world in terms of the number of patents obtained, and the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Industrial Technology Research Institute are also working hard to capitalize their patents, but they cannot create considerable income from intellectual assets such as NPEs. There should be certain competitive advantages in the business model of NPEs that are worthy of our discussion.
    Therefore, the purpose of this Thesis is to use literature to define and analyze the types of NPEs, and then discuss the operation and development models and success factors of patent NPEs, so as to find out how Taiwanese manufacturers should defend or avoid to the intrusion of NPEs or affects the sales of products or services. This Thesis also explores the possibility of establishing similar new smart asset trading models in Taiwan to help Taiwanese companies defend or prevent NPEs, and then create smart assets.
    Reference: 一、 專書及專文
    (一) 中文專書及專文
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    2. 邱志聖(2020), 策略行銷分析:架構與實務應用第五版, 智勝出版社, 台北。

    (二) 英文專書及專文
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    三、 本文圖表清單
    圖一 美國SP500企業自西元1975年-2020年間有形資產與無形資產變化
    圖二 美國聯邦地方法院專利訴訟原告身份別
    圖三 美國專利侵權訴訟支出中位數-不分來源
    圖四 2019年及2020年美國專利局各國/地區專利獲證數量
    圖五 The Business Model Canvas
    圖六 2020美國前十大專利主張實體企業
    圖七 2020 WOSU Investments LLC 持有各國專利比例
    圖八 被WOSU 主張專利侵權專利數前17名被告
    圖九 The Business Model Canvas For PAEs
    圖十 The Business Model Canvas For NCEs
    圖十一 NPEs 商業模式行銷成功因素

    表一 本文分析流程
    表二 專利非實施事業體(NPEs)分類
    表三 PAEs的策略行銷4C架構分析
    表四 NCEs的策略行銷4C架構
    表五 PAEs 商業模式行銷成功因素
    表六 NCEs 商業模式行銷成功因素
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0109932043
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101775
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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