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    Title: 紅色供應鏈崛起對台灣面板業衝擊之分析
    The Impact of the Red Supply Chain for Taiwan’s Panel Industries
    Authors: 張世平
    Chang, Shih-Ping
    Contributors: 張元晨
    Chang, Yuan-Chen
    Chang, Shih-Ping
    Keywords: 紅色供應鏈
    Red supply chain
    Five forces
    DuPont analysis
    Competitive advantage
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-02-10 12:57:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 面板是台灣重要發展的科技產業之一,自2011年,中國政府政策的鼓勵與補助下,陸廠產能擴充迅速,造成市場供過於求,除了影響面板價格一路往下滑,也影響面板產業及其供應鏈的發展。本研究探討台灣廠商在面對營收與市占率逐漸衰退的情況下,如何因應中國紅色供應鏈的崛起,轉型朝向高附加價值產品,並積極布局下世代新興技術的方法。
    The display panel is one of the most important industries in Taiwan. Since 2011, with the supports and subsidies of Chinese government, Chinese panel makers have been expanding its capacity rapidly, resulting in oversupply in the market, which not only causes panel price falling continuously, but also impacts its ecosystem.
    This study explores how Taiwan panel makers’ response to the rise of China’s red supply chain, with focus on how they transform to high value-added products and develop new technologies aggressively under the pressure of significant revenue and market share decline.
    Using SWOT analysis, Michael Porter’s five forces analysis, DuPont analysis and personal interviews, I find that though Taiwan panel maker’s production capacity is lower than Chinese competitors, they have advantages over financial structure, technological capabilities, smart manufacturing, and supply chain integration.
    With the expansion of 5G, big data and AI, new business opportunities and different applications driven by smart living all depend on the display technology. Taiwan makers can create new value by optimizing product portfolios, enhancing product differentiation, and introducing smart and green manufacturing.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107932157
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200066
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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