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Title: | 跨國直銷企業國際化策略之研究 International Strategies of Multi-Level Marketing Direct Selling Research |
Authors: | 葉文玲 Yeh, Wen-Ling |
Contributors: | 周冠男 葉文玲 Yeh, Wen-Ling |
Keywords: | 賀寶芙 多層次傳銷產業 直接銷售 國際化策略 Herbalife Multi-level marketing industry Direct sales International strategy |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2022-02-10 12:57:42 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以台灣體重管理市場的領導直銷品牌賀寶芙為研究個案,探討多層次傳銷產業的國際化策略。本研究採用個案研究,並對賀寶芙兩位企業內部的高階管理者進行深度訪談,利用半結構訪談方式,蒐集質性資料,用以了解賀寶芙的國際化策略。研究者經由深度訪談,並將訪談內容摘要記錄,並與文獻分析結果相對照,研究發現:1.賀寶芙除了積極擴展國際市場,地區性有各自地區特性的行銷策略,而在美國總公司的行銷策略上,則會更進一部顧及全球發展的策略。2.賀寶芙並不會隨著時間發展,為了增加對產品的控制權以及為了增加利潤,開始利用對外直接投資的形式來做為主要的商業營運方式。3.賀寶芙是用經理人管理分公司的模式,進入外國市場。在符合當地法規的狀況下,由成熟國家的直銷商到當地開發市場。因此,最重要的是相關制度的建立,包含獎金制度。4. 賀寶芙在亞太區,每個國家都有特定的經理人進行管理,部門除了匯報給各國經理人,也需要回報給亞太區的主管。因此,相關的業務與推動,都需要跨國協調相關的資源,在行銷策略上保持品牌的一致性,同時也需要展現出不同國家的特殊性。5. 在賀寶芙良善的制度設計下,產品本身的優良品質、健康理念的推廣,以及合理的分潤制度,和華人的建立關係文化價質結合,都有正向的效果。賀寶芙擴展國際化市場的同時,採用出口導向策略,生產與研發活動集中在特定地理區域,出口至其他市場後,將行銷等活動交由當地運作。 The research takes Herbalife, the leading direct selling brand in Taiwan`s weight management market, as a research case to explore the internationalization strategy of multi-level MLM industry. This study uses case studies and conducts in-depth interviews with two senior managers within Herbalife Enterprises, using semi-structural interviews to collect qualitative information to understand Herbalife’s internationalization strategy. The researchers obtained the results of in-depth interviews, which were summarized and recorded in comparison with the results of literature analysis. 1. In addition to actively expanding the international market, the marketing strategy with regional characteristics of the region will be more advanced in the marketing strategy of the U.S. head office, which will take into account global development. 2. In order to increase control over the product and increase profits, Herbalife will not use the form of OFDI as the main mode of business operation over time. 3. Herbalife is the model of using local management team to manage branch offices and enter foreign markets. In compliance with local regulations, from the mature countries of direct sellers to the local development market. Therefore, the most important thing is the establishment of the relevant system, including the compensation system. 4. In the Asia-Pacific region, each country has a specific manager to manage, and the department needs to be reported to the heads of the Asia-Pacific region in addition to reporting to the managers of each country. Therefore, related business and promotion, need to coordinate related resources across borders, in marketing strategy to maintain brand consistency, but also need to show the particularity of different countries. 5. Under the system design of Herbalife good health, the product itself is of good quality, the promotion of health concept, and the good compensation plan system, and the combination of the Chinese cultural with all have positive effects. While expanding the international market, Herbalife uses an export-oriented strategy, with production and research and development activities concentrated in specific geographic regions and exported to other markets, with marketing and other activities being put into local operation. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 107932153 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107932153 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202200034 |
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