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    Title: 我國對保險業監管機制探討─以保險法第149條裁罰處分妥適性分析為核心
    A Study on the Appropriateness of Penalty Provisions in Article 149 of Taiwan Insurance Law
    Authors: 廖堃安
    Liao, Kun-An
    Contributors: 彭金隆
    Peng, Jin-Lung
    Liao, Kun-An
    Keywords: 金融監督管理委員會
    Financial Supervisory Commission
    Penalty cases
    Article 149 paragraph 1 of Insurance Act
    Intelligible principles
    Principle of Proportionality
    Regulatory dispositions
    Date: 2022
    Issue Date: 2022-02-10 12:55:45 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 金融監督管理委員會已公告自民國101年起之重大裁罰案件。其中,對於保險業之重大裁罰案件中大量使用保險法第149條第1項作為裁罰時的「附加處分」。然而,該項規範中的構成要件、法律效果以至於實務上解釋適用之方式,均有再探討其妥適性之餘地。就構成要件方面,法令、章程、有礙健全經營之虞三個構成要件除了體系定位不同之外,其亦均可能有法律明確性之疑義值得探討檢視。就法律效果方面,本項未就各款處分予以區分應適用之情形,可能有違反比例原則,及實務適用上容易導致裁量瑕疵之疑慮;此外,就本項各款處分之性質,本文認為應定性為管制性不利處分,而非裁罰性不利處分,藉以限定本項第7款得以適用之範圍。就其他實務上解釋適用方面,主管機關於個案中應加強說理之義務,就個案事實與構成要件之涵攝,以及對於法律效果之採擇理由,以利保險業者不服時之救濟與司法部門之審查。
    The Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) has publicized major penalty cases since 2012. Among them, Article 149 paragraph 1 of Insurance Act is commonly used as additional administrative disposition. However, the legitimacy of the legal elements, legal effects, and the interpretation and application of this paragraph are worth further exploring. Regarding the legal elements, the terms laws, regulations, articles of incorporation, and suspected of improper management not only have different usage, but also have concerns of Intelligible principles. Regarding legal effects, this paragraph may lead to violation of Principle of Proportionality and discretionary flaws. To limit the applicability of Section 7 of this Paragraph, the 7 sections of this Paragraph shall be interpreted as regulatory dispositions. Finally, the FSC shall strengthen its reasoning in individual penalty cases in order to facilitate the legal relief of insurers and the reexamination of judicial department.
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    1. 2019年11月修訂版之保險核心原則及國際活躍保險集團監理共同框架(Insurance Core Principles and Common Framework for the Supervision of Internationally Active Insurance Groups, updated November 2019)
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103358015
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202200129
    Appears in Collections:[風險管理與保險學系] 學位論文

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