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    Title: 論科技對人格權之影響─以職場監視為核心
    The Influence of Personality Rights in Technology: Focus on Workplace Surveillance
    Authors: 熊婉媛
    Hsiung, Wan-Yuan
    Contributors: 王惠玲
    Wang, Huei-Ling
    Hsiung, Wan-Yuan
    Keywords: 人格權
    Personality Rights
    The Right of Privacy
    Workplace Surveillance
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2022-01-03 16:12:29 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著科技發展,自然人與生俱來之人格權也受到了職場監視的影響與挑戰,
    With the development of technology, the inherent personality rights of natural persons have also been affected and challenged by workplace surveillance, especially the right of privacy. With the support of technology, surveillance has become more diversified, and the intensity of challenges that workers` right to privacy facing has also increased. In this regard, this article sorts out the six workplace surveillance situations: (1)Telephone recording and monitoring, (2)Toilet timing, (3)Monitoring and recording equipment, (4)Computer activity monitoring, (5)Indoor positioning tracking, (6)Biological monitoring. Because of various factors, the right of privacy in the workplace is difficult to have a clear boundary, and this invisible line needs to be defined through judicial approach. Therefore, it’s necessary to explore the concept of personality rights and their legal protection.
    This article uses literature analysis and comparative research to explore the origin and development of personality rights. Because the concept is openness, it’s hard to define precisely. Next, we discuss the right of privacy in workplace. The privacy boundary in workplace is often blurred, affected by labour relations, economic incentives, and so on. The invisible line needs to define through judicial approach. In our country, the protection of personality rights based on civil law is more comprehensive than other countries, but there is still something that we need to learn from other countries. When the privacy disputes derived from workplace surveillance enter the legal stage, the parties generally seek compensation for damages through civil approach. Related judgments are mostly focused on "Monitoring and recording equipment" and "computer activity monitoring", and the court`s opinion also divides the corresponding boundaries of them, but whether other kinds of workplace surveillance can be applied to those essential elements, it is worthy to in-depth consideration.
    Reference: 中文文獻
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0107262018
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101745
    Appears in Collections:[勞工研究所] 學位論文

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