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    Title: 農業產銷失衡風險的媒體再現:以價格崩盤新聞為例
    Media Representation of Risks on Agricultural Markets: An Analysis of Price Volatility on Farm Products News Reporting
    Authors: 張芳瑋
    Jhang, Fang-Wei
    Contributors: 鄭宇君
    Cheng, Yu-Chung
    Jhang, Fang-Wei
    Keywords: 農產品市場
    Agricultural markets
    Risk communication
    Argricultural news
    Frame analysis
    Media representation
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-11-01 12:21:53 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年臺灣農產品產銷失衡成為傳統主流報紙與農業網路媒體關注的議題,主流媒體的報導往往無法涵蓋農業生產與銷售的關鍵風險,易引發社會對價格的預期心理,甚至是恐慌。
    In recent years, price volatility issues on farm products news reporting in Taiwan have come to mainstream newspapers and online agricultural media`s attention. Still, reports often fail to cover critical risks and complex stakeholders’ relations in the agricultural supply chain.
    This study adopts a mixed research method to conduct quantitative content analysis and qualitative discourse analysis on the online news of the mainstream media Chinatimes and The Liberty Times. According to the results, the top three frameworks are "Government Measures," "Public Welfare," and "Risk Messages." The opposite position of these two media is reflected in the sources of the news and the speech strategies of politicians. In particular, the politicians’ narrative mainly present “active voices” and the candidates’ narrative mainly present “negative explanations”.
    Unlike other research results on risk communication, some experts have the professional and official government authority phenomenon in this study. Chinatimes prefers to cite a single source, and the distinction between requoting and rewriting is no longer clear. The agricultural economy lacks fundamental discussion in the media, and the media seems to have become a sharp weapon in the war of words.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106464054
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101660
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