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    Title: 探討個人評論、綜合評分與評論數量如何影響線上消費者評論說服性與採用意圖—簡則系統式模型的應用
    Examining the Effects of Individual Review, Aggregated Rating, and Review Quantity on Perceived Persuasiveness and Intention to Adopt Online Consumer Reviews: An Application of the Heuristic-Systematic Model
    Authors: 李家安
    Lee, Chia-An
    Contributors: 林芝璇
    Lin, Jhih-Syuan
    Lee, Chia-An
    Keywords: 雙重路徑資訊處理模式
    Dual-process theory
    Intention to adopt
    Aggregated rating
    Perceived persuasiveness
    Review quantity
    Individual review
    Online consumer reviews
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-11-01 12:21:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年人們已習慣在各種消費決策前,試著以網路查詢其他消費者的經驗與評價,除了早期人們所依賴的論壇、討論區、部落格等資訊管道,近年提供各類商品或服務評論的第三方評論平台出現,人們可以因應不同需求到特定資訊管道查找相關的線上消費者評論。線上消費者評論作為電子口碑的一種形式,十分常見提供個人評論與綜合評分兩種資訊給消費者作參考,兩者資訊之間的交互影響也是近年學界常見的討論主題。
    為了更進一步比較兩者所提供訊息線索的影響力,本研究以雙重路徑資訊處理模式的簡則系統式模型作為理論背景,釐清兩種資訊面的說服性如何受到個人評論效價、綜合評分效價與評論數量等三個線索所交互影響,形成整體線上消費者評論的說服性,並影響到採用意圖。本研究採用實驗法,以2(個人評論正/負)x2(綜合評分高/低)x 2(評論數量多/寡)的三因子實驗,分別於私立世新大學以及國立政治大學共計14堂課程中進行受試者招募與研究流程,共計取得247份有效問卷。
    本研究結果顯示,正面評價的影響力會透過系統式線索的個人評論效價以及簡則式線 索的綜合評分效價,直接影響個人評論說服性,而簡則式線索的評論數量則會直接影響綜合評分說服性。此外,個人評論效價與綜合評分效價的交互作用分別會對個人評論說服性與綜合評分說服性產生影響力,本研究亦討論效價一致與不一致的情況所產生的加乘效果、稀釋效果以及偏誤效果。論個人評論說服性與綜合評分說服性的比較,綜合評分說服性對線上消費者評論說服性的影響力更大,並且能夠預測線上消費者評論的採用意圖。本研究結果對學術與實務上,理解台灣消費者閱讀線上消費者評論的資訊處理過程具有重要參考價值。
    In recent years, people have relied on online consumer reviews when making purchase decisions. As a form of electronic word-of-mouth, online consumer reviews provide two kinds of information, individual reviews and aggregated ratings. However, the understanding of the persuasiveness of these information effects on consumer purchase decisions is still vague. This study applies the heuristic-systematic model to clarify the information process through individual reviews and aggregated ratings, focusing on the effects of individual reviews, aggregated rating, and review quantity on perceived persuasiveness and intention to adopt online consumer reviews. A three-factor experiment, combined with 2 (positive/negative individual reviews) x 2 (high/low aggregated rating) x 2 (large/few reviews quantity), was conducted in this research. The experiment recruitment and process were conducted during 14 classes from Shih Hsin University and National Chengchi University. A total of 247 valid responses were included for data analysis. The findings show that positive cues will directly affect the persuasiveness of individual reviews through both positive individual reviews and high aggregated ratings. However, only the quantity of reviews will directly affect the persuasiveness of aggregated ratings. On the other hands, the interaction of valence between individual reviews and aggregated ratings will directly influence the persuasiveness of both individual reviews and aggregated ratings. In this case, three kinds of hypothesis were discussed, additivity hypothesis , attenuation hypothesis, and bias hypothesis. Furthermore, compared to the persuasiveness of individual reviews and aggregated ratings, the latter has a greater impact on the persuasiveness of online consumer reviews, which is proven to predict the adoption intention of online consumer reviews. The results of this study could be discussed with theoretical and practical implications.
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