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    Title: 私域流量虛擬品牌社群價值共創行為研究—以企業運營的視角
    Research on Value Co-creation Behavior in Private Traffic Virtual Brand Community—Taking the Perspective of Business Operations
    Authors: 蔣澤楷
    Contributors: 張愛華
    Chang, AiHwa
    Keywords: 私域流量
    Private Traffic
    Business Operations
    Virtual Brand Community
    Value Co-Creation Behavior
    Brand Trust
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-11-01 12:20:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 中國大陸移動互聯網用戶達到高峰,各行業之間的流量爭奪戰也愈發激烈。 在這種背景下,「私域流量」的概念逐漸被許多企業熟知,並建立相關私域流量 虛擬品牌社群。此外,隨著消費者與企業之間的角色從被動到主動的轉變,企業 與消費者共同創造價值也已成為企業獲取競爭優勢的來源。
    目前的文獻大多以具體案例探討企業應該如何運營管理私域流量虛擬品牌 社群,尚未有學者從企業運營的視角,系統性的研究私域流量對虛擬品牌社群價 值共創行為的動機和後續影響進行研究。
    本研究將私域流量虛擬品牌社群價值共創行為分為企業-消費者之間的價值 共創行為和消費者-消費者之間的價值共創行為。根據 590 份網路問卷發現,消 費者參與私域流量虛擬品牌社群的動機中,信息動機、社交動機和娛樂動機正向 影響企業-消費者之間的價值共創行為,信息動機、社交動機正向影響消費者-消 費者之間的價值共創行為。私域流量虛擬品牌社群運營正向影響消費者的品牌信 任,品牌信任在私域流量虛擬品牌社群運營和社群價值共創行為之間的關係發揮 著中介作用。此外,私域流量虛擬品牌社群價值共創行為正向影響品牌認同,品 牌認同正向影響品牌承諾。本研究對私域流量虛擬品牌社群價值共創行為進行了 探索性研究,豐富了私域流量虛擬品牌社群價值共創行為的理論成果。
    As the number of mobile users reaches new peaks in mainland China, the competition of user traffic becomes fierce among various companies. In this context, the concept called “Private Traffic” has gradually become familiar to many companies. In addition, value co-creation behavior has become a source of enterprises competitive advantage. The extant studies mostly use typical cases to show how companies should operate and manage the private traffic building in virtual brand communities, yet few studies systematically examine the motivation and value co-creation behavior of consumers in virtual brand communities from the perspective of business operations.
    This paper divides virtual brand community value co-creation behaviors into enterprise-consumer value co-creation behaviors and consumer-consumer value co- creation behaviors. A survey based empirical study with 590 respondents was conducted, and the study finds that the informational motivation, social motivation, and recreational motivation positively affect enterprise-consumer value co-creation behaviors, and informational motivation and social motivation positively affect consumer-consumer value co-creation behaviors. Private traffic virtual brand community practices have significant effects on customers’ brand trust. Meanwhile, brand trust has a mediating effect on the relationship between business practices on brand community management and consumers’ value co-creation behaviors. In addition, value co-creation behaviors have significant effects on brand identification, and brand identification has direct effect on brand commitment. This research presents an exploratory study on the value co-creation behaviors of the private traffic virtual brand community and contributes to the theoretical knowledge of private traffic virtual brand community value co-creation behaviors.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363112
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101621
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