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    Title: 永續發展實踐的途徑選擇:高雄市與廈門市的比較
    The Practice of Sustainable Development: Comparison between Kaohsiung and Xiamen
    Authors: 殷瑞宏
    Yin, Jui-Hung
    Contributors: 李酉潭
    Yin, Jui-Hung
    Keywords: 永續發展
    Sustainable development
    Sustainable city
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-11-01 12:06:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 永續發展已經成為當代人類的重要議題,除了理論觀念的建立,如何透過策略行動來落實,更是值得思索的。而隨著人類發展的都市化程度愈高,作為人類主要活動地的城市,能否在政策規劃與實踐上融入永續的精神,攸關人類是否得以真正實現永續發展的願景。本文從近代永續發展脈絡演進的討論開始,確立永續發展的意涵方向後,再結合永續城市的觀點形塑出本文的核心宗旨:「永續發展乃是兼顧經濟、環境與社會三構面之間均衡的一種發展模式」,用於觀察台灣與中國大陸的城市發展情況(高雄市與廈門市)。研究發現,兩岸的城市規劃設計皆融合了永續發展的理念在內,但在實際執行成效與民眾的感受上,則是環境面向的表現最為突出,使其發展路徑的樣貌傾向為生態現代化城市而非永續城市。本文認為,若要能實現符合均衡發展意涵的永續,理應將之視為一種思考工具,用於政策規劃與實際行動的基本框架。
    Sustainable development has become an important issue for contemporary human beings. In addition to the establishment of theory, how to achieve it through strategies is more worthy of consideration. The paper first discusses the evolution of the context of sustainable development in modern times, then the meaning and direction of sustainable development, and then the vision of sustainable development. On this basis, we have the core idea of this article: "Sustainable development is a development model that takes into account the balance of the three dimensions of economy, environment, and society." The paper uses this to observe the urban development of Taiwan and China (Kaohsiung City and Xiamen City). The study found that the urban planning and design of both sides of the strait have integrated the concept of sustainable development, however, in terms of actual implementation effectiveness and people`s feelings, the environmental aspect is the most prominent, making its development path tend to be an ecologically modernized city rather than a sustainable city. The study believes that if we want to achieve sustainability that is consistent with the meaning of balanced development, it should be regarded as a thinking tool and used as a basic framework for policy planning and practical action.
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