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    Title: 以善因品牌配適度探討企業社會責任在社群媒體上的宣傳效果
    The role of cause-brand fit in determining the effectiveness of CSR communications in social media
    Authors: 張翠瑩
    Cheung, Chui-Ying
    Contributors: 林芝璇
    Lin, Jhih-Syuan
    Cheung, Chui-Ying
    Keywords: 企業社會責任
    Corporate social responsibiltiy
    Cause-related marketing
    Social media
    Cause-brand fit
    Advertising Value
    Manipulative Intent
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-11-01 12:06:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 隨著企業社會責任 (CSR) 的重要性日益增加,本研究旨在了解消費者如何通過善因品牌配適度的角度來評估社群媒體上企業社會責任的宣傳效果。首先,本研究回顧了企業社會責任研究的文獻,指出善因品牌配適度為影響消費者態度和行為意圖的關鍵因​​素。品牌通過社群媒體上的品牌貼文(即 Facebook 品牌貼文)來宣傳他們對 CSR 的付出。本研究通過採用廣告價值模型(AVM)和說服知識模型(PKM),提出了一個關於消費者評價機制的理論模型。
    通過對照實驗,本研究收集了 223 份有效問卷,並透過 Hayes Process Model 模型 4 去分析善因品牌配適度、消費者認知、態度和行為意圖之間的關係。 結果發現,高配適度和低配適度的 CSR Facebook 品牌貼文在消費者認知或態度上沒有差異。無論善因品牌配適度如何,都是如此。此外,這項研究證明了感知資訊性、娛樂性和感知操縱意圖對消費者態度的影響。當消費者認為 Facebook 品牌帖子為更高資訊性、更高娛樂性更強且操縱性更低時,他們會產生更積極的態度。這些發現可以為社群媒體行銷宣傳提供一個新的視角,並進一步討論了該研究的理論和實踐意義。
    With the growing importance of corporate social responsibility in business, this study aimed to understand how consumers evaluate the effectiveness of CSR communication on social media through the perspective of cause-brand fit. First, this study reviewed the literature of CSR research to imply that cause-brand fit plays a key factor affecting consumer attitude and behavioral intention. Brands promote their CSR effort as brand posts on social media, i.e., Facebook brand posts. By adopting Advertising Value Model (AVM) and Persuasion knowledge Model (PKM), the present study proposed a theoretical model to understand consumer evaluation mechanisms.
    Through a controlled experiment, this study collected 223 responses for examining the relationship between cause-brand fit, consumer perceptions, attitudes, and behavioral intentions via Hayes Process Model 4. The results discovered no difference in consumer perceptions or attitudes between high fit and low fit CSR Facebook brand posts. It was so regardless of cause-brand fit. In addition, this study demonstrated the effect of perceived informativeness, entertainment, and perceived manipulative intent on consumer attitudes. Consumers elicit more favorable attitudes when perceiving the Facebook brand post as more informative, entertaining, and less manipulative. These findings can provide a new perspective on social media marketing communication. Theoretical and practical implications of the study are further discussed.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106461011
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101683
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