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Title: | 朱子論「操存」:從淳熙元年的「心說之辯」展開 Zhu Xi on “Grasping and Preserving”: A Close Reading of the Debate of the Heart-Mind (1174) |
Authors: | 駱俊廷 Lok, Jun-Ting |
Contributors: | 馬愷之 Marchal, Kai 駱俊廷 Lok, Jun-Ting |
Keywords: | 操存 心 淳熙元年心說之辯 Cao Cun heart-mind the debate of the heart-mind(1174) |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-10-01 10:04:11 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 無庸置疑,當今朱子研究最棘手的問題和爭議焦點,莫過於如何闡明朱子哲學體系中最複雜的概念——「心」。相關爭議的源頭可以追溯自牟宗三對朱子哲學體系的批判。對此,許多學者都試圖在牟宗三所提供的框架下對朱子「心」的概念做出修正和回應,時至今日,仍未停息。 本論文從修養工夫的角度「操存」來切入「心」的議題,試圖闡明「操存」與「心」的關聯性。事實上,這兩者是一體兩面,朱子認為唯有從「操存」才能開顯出「心性整體」的意涵,反之亦然。本論文主要分為兩個部分,第一部分,針對朱子所理解的「操存」的具體意涵進行分析,給予理論說明。第二部分,深入文本針對淳熙元年(1174 年)朱子與眾儒者們所展開的「心說之辯」進行探究,這一長期被學界忽視的論戰圍繞著孟子中論「操存」的議題而展開,並深入討論如何定義「心之本體」和「人心和道心」等問題。這一年的書信文獻所展開的脈絡,恰好為我們提供理解朱子如何從「操存」的立場確立自己獨特的「心說」。總而言之,「操存」作為修養工夫包含了自覺、自我喚醒的內涵,朱子認為吾人必須透過「操存」工夫培養「道心」。同時,朱子也確立「操存之心」為實踐主體,此一主體實乃具備倫理規範的指示性(demonstratives)概念,因此,從「操存之心」為基點,吾人才能在此時此刻的具體情境之中創造和開展出「合當如此」的理想境界。 Undoubtedly, the most difficult issue and focus of disputes in Zhu Xi`s research today is how to clarify the most complex concept in Zhu’s philosophical system "heart-mind”. In this regard, many scholars have tried to revise and respond to Zhu`s concept of "heart-mind" within the framework provided by Mou Zongsan. This article explores the issue of "heart-mind" from the perspective of moral cultivation ("Cao Cun", 操存), trying to clarify the relationship between "Grasping and Preserving " and "heart-mind". In fact, Zhu Xi believes that only by "Grasping and Preserving" can the meaning of "the whole of mind-human nature"(xin xing) be revealed. This article is mainly divided into two parts. The first part analyzes the specific meaning of "Grasping and Preserving " as understood by Zhu Xi and gives a theoretical explanation. In the second part, I will close reading to the text and clarify the debate of the heart-mind launched by Zhu Xi and the Confucian intellectuals in 1174. This long-ignored debate mainly revolves around the text of Mencius`s "Grasp and Preserving" and goes deep into it. How to define the "noumenon of the heart-mind" and "the human heart-mind and heart-mind of the way"(Ren Xin Dao Xin) and other specific issues. The context of this year`s letters and documents just provided us with an understanding of how Zhu Xi considered the heart-mind and established his own unique "theory of the heart-mind". In short, "Grasping and Preserving” contains the cultivation connotation of "self-awakening", and can reach a perfect state through our practice. At the same time, starting from "Grasping and Preserving ", Zhu Xi established "heart-mind" as the Subject of practice, which is a concept of demonstratives with ethical norms. Therefore, based on the heart-mind of Cao Cun, we can create and acknowledge a realm of moral perfection. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 哲學系 106154014 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106154014 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101570 |
Appears in Collections: | [哲學系] 學位論文
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