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    Title: 人格特質、購物傾向、知覺風險及顧客滿意度對於機上免稅商品購買意願之影響
    Examining the influences of personality traits, shopping orientations, perceived risk and customer satisfaction on consumers’ in-flight purchase intention
    Authors: 張詠淨
    Chang, Yung-Ching
    Contributors: 郭貞
    Kuo, Cheng
    Chang, Yung-Ching
    Keywords: 免稅商品
    duty-free products
    purchase intention
    personality traits
    shopping orientations
    perceived risk
    customer satisfaction
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-10-01 10:01:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 鑒於航空產業競爭日益激烈,航空公司對於各種利潤來源都需加強管理,除了客運與貨運收益之外,作為主要利潤來源之一的機上免稅品銷售收益也日漸重要。為進一步了解機上免稅商品消費者的輪廓與特徵,本研究針對機上免稅商品中的長銷品類「美妝品」及主要搭機客群「女性」進行研究。本研究以消費者的「人格特質」、「購物傾向」及「顧客滿意度」為主要自變項,並以「知覺風險」作為中介變項,探討以上的因素將如何影響消費者對機上免稅商品的購買意願。
    In view of the increasingly fierce competition in the aviation industry, airlines need to strengthen the management of various profit sources. In addition to the revenue from passenger and cargo transportation, the in-flight duty-free sale, one of the main sources of profit for airlines, is also becoming more and more important. In order to further understand the characteristics of in-flight shoppers, this study conducts research focusing on women buying beauty products on board. The purpose for this study is to examine how consumers’ in-flight purchase intentions for duty-free products are affected by such factors as personality traits, shopping orientations, perceived risk and customer satisfaction.
    A total of 540 valid questionnaires were collected through online survey. The results and findings are as below: (1) Consumers’ impulsive buying and innovative personality traits have positive influence on purchase intention. (2) The shopping orientations of convenient shoppers and recreational shoppers have positive influence on purchase intention. Convenient shoppers negatively influence their perceived risk. Precautious shoppers, in contrast, positively affect their perceived risk. (3) Consumers’ perceived risk negatively influences their purchase intention. Nevertheless, the moderating influence of perceived risk on the purchase intention is not statistically significant. (4) The more in-flight duty-free purchase experiences a consumer has, the stronger her purchase intention will be. (5) Customer satisfaction negatively affects consumers` perceived risk while positively affects their purchase intention.
    Reference: 一、中文部分
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