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Title: | 晚清《啟蒙畫報》的圖像符號學研究 A Pictorial Semiotics Study of Illustrated Children’s Educator in the Late Qing Dynasty |
Authors: | 杜賽男 Du, Sai-Nan |
Contributors: | 孫秀蕙 Hsiu-hui Sun 杜賽男 Du,Sai-Nan |
Keywords: | 近代教育改革 意識形態 《啟蒙畫報》 圖像符號學 文化啟蒙 Cultural enlightenment Contemporary educational reform Ideology Illustrated Children`s Educator Pictorial semiotics |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-09-02 18:25:36 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究以《啟蒙畫報》(1902-1904)為分析標的,研究晚清新政時期(1901-1911),蒙學由私入公之初,意識形態如何影響「教育」的建構。
論文的結論,從何謂啟「蒙」中開啟教育內涵的討論,繼而站在今日教育立場,從《啟蒙畫報》的反思中提出:其一,教育的歷史有著教育觀念與意識形態的恆常互動,若從「人性」上思考,個體利益與國家利益可在人的教育中融通;其二,古今中外相交織的教育觀念裡,若從平等的立基點展開去西方中心論的交流,將能使教育改革在文化傳承與知識創新中與時俱進;其三,媒介作為教育編織的網,在啟「蒙」中始終佔據重要位置,若能整合家庭、學校、公共場所等諸多資源,打造並完善著媒介的教育學習環境,那麼,媒介所建構的會是一個起於教育但不止於教育,具有人文關懷,且能夠聯動、循環創生的啟蒙新世界。 This present study focuses on the analysis of ideological influence of mass media on the construction of contemporary education by using the children magazine Illustrated Children’s Educator as an example in the late Qing Dynasty.
We chose the first children magazine in Northern China Illustrated Children’s Educator(1902-1904)as the object of analysis because it plays an important role in terms of educational enlightment, which is part of the social reform scheme the publisher plotted during a time of turbulent China at the turn of the twentieth century.
The present study discusses the influence of new concepts in educational texts translated from Japan and the West on the formation of new ideology in the late Qing Dynasty.According to the analysis, a competition between Confucianism and Western Modernity emerged although they may not be necessarily antagonistic to each other.
The research applies the pictorial semiotics proposed by Roland Barthes to explore how the educational text of Illustrated Children’s Educator constructed various concepts by telling stories related to symbols of "East" and "West," the "ancient" and the "modern." The study takes a step further by examining connotations of signs used by those stories and relate them to the ideal form of modern education in late Qing China.
The study finds several semiotic strategies of the stories published by Illustrated Children’s Educator. For example, the children magazine often used the ancient story as a lesson to suggest solutions to the present problem, implying the fact that some merits or wisdoms are actually not new at all, instead they had existed long before but unfortunately forgotten or ignored by readers. Another significant semiotic strategy is comparing the East with the West so that readers could understand the fact that the current situation an inferior China might face. Therefore, the editors of the magazine were influenced by Social Darwinism so that they called for readers through the texts to save their nation through acquiring modern knowledge instead of relying on the superstition spread by the Boxer Rebellions. The magazine content stressed the importance of “Women’s Education” and proposed an eclectic approach of education that might benefit lower social classes, both of which were seen as solutions of national reforms by the patriotic editors. Issues of "gender,” “class,” and “national identity” were thoroughly discussed in the present study.
In the chapter of conclusion, the author attempts to define “Meng” (the enlightment) based on the semiotic analysis of the Illustrated Children`s Educator. First, viewing from history, we found that ideas and ideologies were firmyl intertwined with education; Second, by integrating the "local" with the "foreign," the "traditional" with "modern" knowledge, the magazine helps to construct an egalitarian approach of education which was part of the schemes for social reforms at that time. Third, as an educational medium, Illustrated Children`s Educator aims to construct a new world of enlightenment with a care for humanism, a very rare attempt in contemporary China. It eventually goes beyond the goal of educating children and becomes an indispensable public forum for late Qing reform-minded intellectuals to make their voice heard. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 傳播學院博士班 104463506 |
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