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Title: | 以組織策略的觀點探討組織關鍵活動與數位轉型之關聯性:以T公司為例 The Relationship between Organizational Critical Activities and Digital Transformation based on Organizational Strategy:The Case of T Company |
Authors: | 林彥志 Lin, Yan-Zhi |
Contributors: | 洪為璽 季延平 Hung, Wei-Hsi Chi, Yen-Ping 林彥志 Lin, Yan-Zhi |
Keywords: | 組織關鍵活動 數位轉型 綜效 計程車產業 Organizational Critical Activities Digital Transformation Synergy Taxi Industry |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-09-02 18:22:05 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在組織為了達到預期績效所進行的諸多活動中,組織關鍵活動(OCAs)被列為最優先考慮的,投入大量資源,並得到高階管理者頻繁的監控與指示,同時被視為組織在短、中、長期若要成功則不可或缺,必須被執行的活動;數位轉型則意指企業透過數位技術,協助企業的商業模式做出改變,並重新思考企業的價值定位,以創造更的高效率與價值。
本研究結果建議企業在面對多變的外在環境時,應有效實行並找出合適的組織關鍵活動並調適,盼本研究的結果,能實質幫助企業做出正確的決策,並在計程車產業外也能做為參考。 In order to achieve desired performance, an Organizational Critical Activities(OCAs) is “an organizational priority that is recognized as being essential to short, medium and long-term success in that industry, has been significantly resourced, and receives regular senior management monitoring and direction”. digital transformation refers to the use of digital technology to help companies change their business models and rethink their value proposition to create greater efficiency and value.
This research took T Company as a case, had interviewed four executives, two drivers, and confirming the research with the vice president of T Company. We found that T Company has a total of nine Organizational Critical Activities under the lists of research and development, operational process, and marketing activities, and a total of nine digital transformations under the lists of passengers, company and drivers.
Under the above framework, this research found that the introduction of digital transformation in T Company depends on the existing Organizational Critical Activities. When the existing Organizational Critical Activities at this stage aren’t sufficient enough to solve existing problems, the digital transformation will be further carried out. However, although significant growth in financial performance indicators can be observed after the introduction of digital transformation, a decline in important indicators such as "process optimization" and "employee acceptance" can be observed at the same time. When the organizations are introducing new technology, it is mandatory to consider the fit with the organization and strike a balance between financial performance in order to truly integrate the benefits of digital transformations.
In the face of the changing external environment, companies should effectively implement and identify the appropriate Organizational Critical Activities to compete with the competitors. It is hoped that the results of this study will substantially help companies to make the right decisions and serve as a reference outside the taxi industry. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) 108363108 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363108 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101466 |
Appears in Collections: | [企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文
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