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    Title: 區域型餐飲服務平台之消費者需求分析 – 以S公司為例
    Consumer Demand for Regional Food & Beverage Service Platform: A Case Study of S Company
    Authors: 林威儒
    Lin, Wei-Ju
    Contributors: 彭朱如
    Peng, Chu-Ju
    Lin, Wei-Ju
    Keywords: 平台經濟
    Platform Economy
    Healthy Diet
    Customer Behavior
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:21:15 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究的目的在於了解在S公司的潛在消費者中,不同人口統計變項族群對於區域型餐飲服務平台-S公司的服務模式接受程度、自覺「健康飲食」的相關認知與需求是否存在顯著的差異。除此之外,研究目的還有了解消費者對「健康飲食」的相關認知是否與對S公司的服務模式接受程度存在影響。本研究S公司的區域型服務平台鎖定的服務範圍為新竹科學工業園區,因此所調查的潛在消費者皆為新竹科學工業園區的員工以及其家人。本研究採用的研究方法包含問卷分析法與深度訪談法,問卷調查共收集645份有效樣本,深度訪談法則針對三位關鍵意見領袖進行深度訪談。研究結果發現,潛在消費者當中,不同人口統計變項對於自覺「健康飲食」重視程度、「健康飲食」資訊主動獲取程度、「健康飲食」執行程度、「健康飲食」執行的困難程度,以及S公司的服務模式接受程度皆有顯著的差異;潛在消費者的自覺「健康飲食」重視程度、「健康飲食」資訊主動獲取程度、「健康飲食」執行程度對S公司的服務模式接受程度存在著顯著的影響;S公司認為最有價值、應該優先服務的族群與S公司的初期假設不相符。本研究的貢獻在於提供給S公司了解潛在消費者的需求、熟悉市場,可用來改善S公司的服務方案,滿足潛在消費者客群。
    The purpose of this study is to explore how different demographic characteristics of potential customers would affect their acceptance and their need of self-perceived healthy diet of Company S’ services and products. The relationship between potential customers’ need of self-perceived healthy diet and their acceptance of services and products is also exaimined. The Company S is a regional food and beverage service platform, targeting its potential customers on the employees and their families in the Hsinchu Science Park. This research is conducted by questionnaire survey with 645 samples and in-depth interview with 3 key opinion leaders. The results of this research demonstrate that different demographic characteristics significantly affect the degree of customer’s perceived importance on healthy diet, customer’s acquiring healthy diet information, customer’s implementation on a healthy diet, the difficulty of customer’s implementation on a healthy diet, and customer’s acceptance of Company S’ service and products. In addition, the degree of customer’s perceived importance on healthy diet, customer’s acquiring healthy diet information, and customer’s implementation on a healthy diet significantly affect customer’s acceptance of Company S’ service and products. This study found that the most valuable customer segmentation does not match with the segmentation that the Company S originally targeted. The contribution of this research is to provide empirical references for the Company S to more clearly delineate its targeted customer segemntations, thus may further improve its services & products to better satisfying its potential customers.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108363086
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101408
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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