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    Title: 台灣的軟實力有用嗎? 評估高等教育獎學金對其中美洲邦交國的影響
    Does Taiwanese Soft Power Work? Evaluating the Influence of A Higher Education Scholarship Program on Its Central American Allies
    Authors: 葉睿仁
    Reyes Torres, Rene Mauricio
    Contributors: 薛健吾
    Hsueh,Chien-Wu (Alex)
    Reyes Torres, Rene Mauricio
    Keywords: 中美洲
    Central America
    Higher Education
    Soft Power
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:14:56 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究之目的在於釐清台灣的高等教育獎學金是否能夠作為有效的軟實力工具,協助台灣鞏固其與中美洲邦交國之關係?若答案是肯定的,那究竟是何種因素所促成?若答案為否定,那又是何種因素所導致?本研究發現,台灣高等教育獎學金計畫確實能作為一個有效的軟實力工具來吸引中美洲學生前前來台灣就學。對台灣現有的基本情況以及台灣高教系統的高品質存有正面看法、對台灣高等教育獎學金計畫的認識、從歷屆受獎生分享的台灣經驗以及其在台居住親友的分享與獎學金提供的經濟利益,上述因素都加強了其對台灣全額獎學金和台灣高等教育系統之正面觀點。儘管存在著許多的負面影響因素(deteriorating factors),例如對膚色或國籍之歧視、與學校行政人員或同學或教授互動之負面經驗、台灣糟糕的天氣,以及台灣雇主不願僱用外國人或自台灣學校畢業之外國畢業生等等,然而,仍有一系列的正面促進因素(fostering factors)能夠讓獲得台灣獎學金的中美洲受獎生依然產生並保有對台灣的正面看法,這些因素包括台灣所帶來的安全感、自由的氛圍、文化藝術以及社會價值觀的良好氣氛、與學校行政人員或同學或教授互動之良好經驗、通訊設備與網路健全使其易與家人聯繫,或者將台灣視為生涯發展之地並試圖在此尋覓一份工作等等。
    The main purpose of this research was to find an answer to the question: Is Taiwan’s Higher Education Scholarship Program an effective soft power tool for the to use with its Central American diplomatic allies? If Yes, which factors make Taiwan attractive? If No, which factors make Taiwan unattractive? The findings after conducting the research suggest that Taiwan’s higher education scholarship program serves as an effective soft power tool to use with its Central American allies given the influence its pulling factors (A positive perception of the basic information available about the country, positive perception of the Taiwan’s Higher Education System as a high quality one, knowledge of Taiwan’s Higher Education Scholarship Program, reinforcing positive perceptions of the Taiwan’s fully funded scholarship program and its high-quality higher education system from participants’ local social circle, reinforcing positive comments of Taiwan’s fully funded scholarship program and its high-quality higher education system from participants’ social links living in Taiwan and scholarship financial benefits) exert to drive them to come; combined with a series of fostering factors (Sense of safety, freedom, entertainment scene, culture, societal values, positive perceptions about study program’s administrative staff, perceptions of university’s international office administrative staff, perceptions of local classmates, perceptions of study program’s professor staff; easiness to communicate with home country, perception of Taiwan as a place for career development, and desire to search for a job in the Taiwan) exert to generate and maintain a positive opinion about the country among international scholarship recipients from Taiwan’s Central American allies despite the presence of a series of deteriorating factors (Skin color/country of origin discrimination, negative experiences in the educational environment with staff members , local classmates and/or professors; unpleasant climate/weather, perceived averseness of Taiwanese employers to hire international graduates and a perceived averseness of Taiwanese employers to hire international graduates from home country).
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