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    題名: 以服務創新觀點探討商業模式創新之歷程:以喬山健康科技公司為個案研究
    Exploring the Process of Business Model Innovation with Service Innovation Perspective: A Study Case of Johnson Health Tech
    作者: 李家筠
    Lee, Chia-Yun
    貢獻者: 鄭至甫
    Jeng, Jyh-Fu
    Lee, Chia-Yun
    關鍵詞: 服務創新
    Service Innovation
    Business Model Innovation
    Innovative Process
    Fitness Industry
    日期: 2021
    上傳時間: 2021-09-02 18:12:33 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 隨著技術進步、消費型態轉變,越來越多企業意識到「科技」、「服務」、「顧客」的重要性,因此在面對持續變動的外部環境下,企業應不斷透過創新思維調整商業模式,以締造永續經營發展的競爭優勢。本研究透過文獻整理,發現過去與創新相關之文獻大多以製造業的技術創新為研究領域,從服務創新角度切入之研究相較下仍較少,而今日在探討競爭優勢與價值創造的研究議題上,商業模式創新比起技術創新又更具影響力。因此本研究選擇深耕台灣健身運動產業的「喬山健康科技」作為研究對象,透過質性研究的單一個案研究法和半結構式訪談法,深入探討企業如何建立服務創新各個構面之連結,以及個案企業如何從「硬體導向」延伸至「軟硬體整合服務導向」之商業模式創新歷程。本研究結論顯示,服務創新能夠作為商業模式創新之基礎,為企業創造競爭優勢;而在創新過程中,企業應跳脫傳統框架,以新經營思維重新盤點現有資源,並透過動態服務創新能耐與關鍵資源、關鍵活動的協同合作,整 合出創新商業模式。最終本研究藉由剖析與彙整個案企業執行服務創新之經驗,提出更具全面性及系統性的商業模式創新發展流程,盼能作為其他面臨相同處境的企業之參考借鏡。
    Along with the impact of the emerging new technologies and the changing patterns of consumption, more and more enterprises realize that Technology, Service, and Customers are getting more importance than before. In other words, the external environment for all enterprises is rapidly and constantly changing. Therefore, those enterprises should manage the change with adjusting their business model continuously by innovative mindset in order to establish the sustainable competitive advantage. Previous research about the innovation focused mainly on the research field of technology innovation, but rarely from service innovation perspective. Besides, in the research of discussing about the issue of competitive advantage and value creation, business model innovation is becoming increasingly influential than technology innovation nowadays. Thus, the research employed single-case study of qualitative research methods and semi-structured interview by choosing Johnson Health Tech, which has dedicated in Taiwan fitness industry for a long time, as the study case. To explore how the corporation established the connection between each dimension of service innovation, and the process of business model innovation from hardware orientation to hardware and software service integrated orientation. The conclusions of the research show that based on service innovation, business model innovation could create competitive advantage for those enterprises. On the other hand, enterprises should break away from tradition instead re-inventory existing resources with a new business mindset during innovate. The enterprises might also integrate business model innovation by the co-movement of dynamic service innovation capabilities, key resources, and key activities. The study finally addresses the contribution of the business model innovative development process by analyzed and summarized the experience of the study case. Above all, hoped the result could be as a reference for other enterprises.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108364112
    資料類型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101457
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