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    Title: FingerX:透過可伸縮與收起式支架於手指上提供呈現於真實物體上之虛擬物體視覺形狀
    FingerX: Rendering Haptic Shape of Virtual Objects Augmented from Real Objects using Extendable and Withdrawable Supports on Fingers
    Authors: 蔡捷
    Tsai, Chieh
    Contributors: 蔡欣叡
    Tsai, Hsin-Ruey
    Tsai, Chieh
    Keywords: 形狀呈現
    Shape Rendering
    Shape Display
    Wearable Device
    Virtual Reality
    Augmented Reality
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 18:08:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 不只是與虛擬物體或真實物體互動,甚至是從真實物體中擴增的虛擬物件,都將成為虛擬實境(VR)互動的趨勢,並且在擴增實境(AR)中也逐漸普遍。在跟虛擬物體互動時,形狀的表現是一個重要的要素。但現今呈現形狀的裝置,通常只專注在提供虛擬物體的回饋。而手持式設備和指尖上有指套或皮帶的穿戴式設備,會需要使用者放下或脫下設備才能感受到真實物體的紋理和形狀。因此,我們提出了FingerX來呈現形狀的觸覺,並讓使用者可以同時觸摸、抓握虛擬物體跟真實物體,讓虛擬和真實同時互動。在我們的裝置中,每個延伸支架都會支撐在使用者的指尖和真實物體中間,並延展出相對應的高度,以此讓使用者可以感受到形狀。當不需要觸摸虛擬形狀時,戴在靠近關節的第二指節上的指環,會將延伸支架從指尖指腹上收回至指背。通過獨立控制四個延伸支架和指環,FingerX可以在三個常見的場景中呈現形狀的觸覺回饋,包括觸摸從真實環境(桌子)中擴增出的虛擬物體、抓握從真實物體(瓶子)擴增而出的虛擬物體、抓握手中的虛擬物體。我們進行了形狀識別實驗,以評估這三種情境下的形狀識別率。然後我們進行了VR實驗,觀察使用者如何同時與虛擬物體、真實物體進行互動,並從中驗證FingerX可以增強VR的體驗和沈浸感。
    Interacting with not only virtual but also real objects, or even virtual objects augmented from real objects becomes a trend of virtual reality (VR) interactions and is common in augmented reality (AR). Shape is an important property of virtual objects in interactions.
    However, current shape rendering devices generally focus on providing feedback for virtual objects only. Handheld devices and wearable devices with caps or straps on the fingertips require the users to put down or take off the devices to perceive texture and shape of real objects. Therefore, we propose FingerX to render haptic shape and enable users to touch, grasp and interact with virtual and real objects simultaneously. An extender on each fingertip extends to the corresponding height to support between the fingertip and the real objects or hand, so the users can perceive the shape. A ring worn on the second finger segment rotates the extender to withdraw it to the back of the fingertip when the virtual shape is not rendered. By independently controlling four extenders and rings except the pinky finger, FingerX renders feedback in three common scenarios, including touching virtual objects augmented from real environments (a desk), grasping virtual objects augmented from real objects (a bottle) and grasping virtual objects in the hand. We conducted a shape recognition study to evaluate the recognition rates in these three scenarios. We then performed a VR study to observe how users interact with virtual and real objects simultaneously and verify that FingerX enhances VR experiences.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108462013
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101489
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