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Title: | 幼小銜接介入方案之成效 The Effectiveness of Educational Intervention in the Transitional Period from Preschool to Elementary School |
Authors: | 林貞姬 Lin, Chen-Chi |
Contributors: | 胡悅倫 Yueh-Luen Hu 林貞姬 Lin, Chen-Chi |
Keywords: | 幼兒教育 親師合作 幼小銜接 準實驗設計 Quasi-experimental design Early childhood education Parent-teacher cooperation Transition from preschool to elementary school |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-09-02 18:05:57 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 在臺灣現行教育體制之下,學齡前之幼兒教育與國小階段之正式教育為兩種截然不同的教育階段,不論在課程教法、教學情境、師生互動皆存在著極大差異,導致一年級新生容易產生焦慮不安的情緒,進而造成常規適應不良問題。有別於以往研究普遍探討小一兒童入小學之準備能力,對於改善幼兒教育與國小階段銜接之介入研究仍然付之闕如。因此,本研究旨在探討「幼小銜接」介入方案對改善學習適應問題之成效。本研究採用準實驗設計,實驗組進行六個星期的幼小銜接介入方案,而控制組維持原有之一般教學方式。本研究選取新北市6所公立國小附設幼兒園進行問卷預試,隨機抽取120位樣本,回收有效樣本114份。研究量表包含四個面向:「常規適應」、「課業學習」、「親師溝通」及「新班互動」,經統計檢驗皆具有良好之信效度。本研究之正式樣本於新北市某公立附幼之2個班級施行,實驗組接受每週四天,每次40分鐘,總共六週的幼小銜接介入方案。統計分析採用 SPSS統計軟體進行各項資料分析,包含描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定、卡方獨立性檢定、以及多變量共變異數分析與共變異數分析,檢視「幼小銜接」介入方案改善學習適應問題之成效。研究結果發現,「幼小銜接」介入方案對於「幼小銜接學習適應」四個面向指標皆具有改善效果。建議未來能以此親師合作融入課程方案為依據,建立通暢的親師合作管道,全面提升幼兒進入小學之準備。 Under the current education system in Taiwan, preschool education and formal elementary school education are two completely different stages of education. There are considerable differences in curriculum teaching methods, teaching situations, and teacher-student interactions. The first-year students may struggle with maladaptation and anxiety, which will affect routine adaptation. Previous studies have generally examined the readiness of children entering elementary school in the first grade; however, research on interventions to improve the transition between early childhood education and elementary school is still limited. Thus, the aim of the present study was to examine the effectiveness of the "Transition-from-preschool-to-elementary-school" intervention program in improving learning adaptation problems. This study used a quasi-experimental study design. The intervention group received a six-week intervention program for early childhood transition; the control group maintained the general teaching method. In this study, six public preschools in New Taipei City were selected to conduct a pilot questionnaire test. One hundred twenty samples were randomly selected, and 114 valid samples were collected. The questionnaire consisted of four aspects: "routine adaptation," "schoolwork learning," "parent-teacher communication," and "new class interaction," all of which have good reliability and validity. The official sample of this study was implemented in 2 classes of a public preschool in New Taipei City. The intervention group received a six-week intervention program for children to connect for a total of 40 minutes, four days a week. This study used SPSS statistical package software for data analysis, including descriptive statistics of study participants, independent two-sample t-test, Chi-square test of independence, MANCOVA, and ANCOVA. The results revealed that the "Transition-from-preschool-to-elementary-school" intervention program has an improving effect on all four dimensions of adaptation problems. This study suggested that a smooth parent-teacher cooperation channel can be established to improve children`s preparations for entering elementary school comprehensively. |
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