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Title: | 美軍抵銷戰略之發展歷程 The Offset Strategy Evolution of US Military |
Authors: | 李建昇 Lee, Chien Sheng |
Contributors: | 鄧中堅 李建昇 Lee, Chien Sheng |
Keywords: | 抵銷戰略 新視野 大規模報復 空地作戰 反介入與區域拒止 多領域作戰 Offset Strategy New Look Massive Retaliation Airland Battle Anti-Access and Areal Denial Multi-Domain Operations |
Date: | 2021 |
Issue Date: | 2021-09-02 17:59:08 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 為因應日益嚴峻反介入與區域拒止的軍事威脅,美國國防部於2014年底執行「國防創新倡議」,要求全軍尋求以創新的思維與方法,針對當前國家安全的戰略環境,發展新的軍事戰略以為因應。美軍當前所推動的「國防創新倡議」也被稱作「第三次抵銷戰略」,主要是美軍過去曾經執行兩次相似的國防創新倡議,分別為1950年代的「新視野」與1970年代所執行「抵銷戰略」的發展。 1905年代艾森豪政府提出「新視野」政策的目的是為抵銷當時蘇聯在傳統軍事武力數量上具壓倒性的優勢地位,進而提出「大規模報復」的軍事戰略。1970年代卡特政府則為因應「大規模報復」的戰略優勢逐漸喪失,提出「抵銷戰略」的政策規劃,並據以發展出「空地作戰」的軍事戰略構想。目前美軍冀望借鏡之前兩次成功的經驗模式,以因應當前潛在敵手藉軍事現代化進程而發展日益精進「反介入與區域拒止」的軍事能力。 因此本論文藉文獻探討的方式探究美軍過去及當前抵銷戰略的發展過程與經驗,藉實施分析比較以瞭解其具體內涵,建立對美軍抵消戰略有全般性與更深入的瞭解。 To cope with advanced military threats, most notably anti-access and areal denial capabilities, U.S. DoD issued official document named “The Defense Innovation Initiatives,” and called for a broad, Department-wide initiative to pursue creative thinking and innovative ways to develop a game-changing strategy. The Defense Innovation Initiatives is called the third offset strategy because of the experiences of the formal period New Look in the 1950s and Offset Strategy in the 1979s. In the 1950s, the United States Eisenhower Administration proposed “New Look” policy to offset the Soviet Union’s overwhelming superiority dominance of traditional military power and therefor to established “Massive Retaliation” strategy. In the 1970’s, in response to the gradual loss of the strategic advantage of Massive Retaliation policy, Carter Administration proposed “Offset Strategy” and developed a new military strategy concept called “Airland Battle”. Nowadays, US Military expects to borrow the lesson learned of previous two successful experience in order to respond to the current potential adversaries’ threats of increasingly sophisticated “anti-access and area denial” military capabilities which throughout the military modernization process. Therefore, by conducting the method of documentary analysis, this thesis aims to establish comprehensive and farther understanding for U.S. current and past experiences and contexts of Offset Strategies. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 外交學系戰略與國際事務碩士在職專班 102922005 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102922005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202101371 |
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