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    Title: 警察機關友善家庭政策對派出所員警之影響分析 以桃園市政府警察局為例
    An Analysis of the Impact of Police Officers’ Family-Friendly Policies – Using Taoyuan Police Department as an Example
    Authors: 石家榕
    Shih, Chia-Jung
    Contributors: 陳敦源
    Shih, Chia-Jung
    Keywords: 派出所員警
    Police Officers
    Shift Works
    Work-Family Conflict
    Family-Friendly Policies
    Increasing Leave
    Reducing Working Hours
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 17:51:21 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國警政系統在過去數十年間,基層員警的組成幾乎以男性為主,少數女警在警察機關的任務多以靜態文書為主,近年由於我國因應國際推動性別主流化潮流,逐步推行各項性別平等政策,在招考基層員警的部分,於民國100年取消部分考試的性別限制,導致派出所女性員警人數逐漸增加,家庭照顧議題在工作性質特殊的派出所中亦逐漸受到重視。
    本研究採用質性研究,除回顧過去文獻資料整理工作與家庭衝突的特點,並彙整國外及我國友善家庭政策理論及實務,接續以深度訪談法擇定10位現於桃園市政府警察局所屬派出所服務,且家中有幼小子女需要照顧的員警進行半結構式訪談 (semi-structured interview),並依據訪談內容整理逐字稿,歸納彙整受訪員警對於警察機關友善家庭政策在實務面對個人職家衝突之影響 。
    In the past decades, police stations in Taiwan have been predominantly males. Though there are female police officers, most are only allowed to do clerical work. Due to gender disparity in recent years, the government has implemented some gender-equality policies to respond to the trend of "Gender Mainstreaming" worldwide, such as canceling the female admission number limit of basic unit police officers’ examination since 2011. This shift has increased the number of female police officers in the police station. Furthermore, family care issues have become more important in Taiwan`s police system.
    This research employs methods of in-depth interviews. Other than reviewing literature about work-family conflict and strategies at home and abroad.
    The research finds that most participants indicated that family-friendly policies, including "Increasing leave" and "Reducing working hours," did not solve the work-family conflict. Participants rarely applied for the "Family Care Leave" due to heavy work duties. Because of the following reasons: such as pressure from their supervis or and colleagues, heavy workload, and overtime demand, most participants kept their work hours as 12 hours daily.
    Based on the findings above, here are some suggestions for the future:1.Extend the limitation of transfer between internal and external positions. 2.Reduce unrelated business. 3.Imporving duty arrangement and compensate for overloading. 4.Flexible leave program. 5.Better nursing service for the police Officer`s family. 6.Promoting the family-friendly concept to the members of the police station.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106921014
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101373
    Appears in Collections:[行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文

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