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    Title: 營所稅調降對投資、就業之影響
    The Impact of Investment and Employment By the Income Tax Rate Reducing Policy
    Authors: 陳法琳
    Contributors: 連賢明
    Keywords: 有效稅率
    Effective Tax rate
    Corporate Income Tax Reduction
    Statute for Upgrading Industries
    Date: 2021
    Issue Date: 2021-09-02 17:46:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 各國稅制改革的浪潮在2010年前後一波波掀起,而台灣亦然身處其中,其中以調降公司所得稅稅率作為改革方法的國家比例高達七成,為各國最常採納的稅制改革方式,故我國政府盼透過此次稅改能夠縮小產業間租稅負擔不均的問題,並帶動我國投資的成長從而促進就業。
    本文以2007年至2012年上市櫃公司之非合併報表作為樣本研究對象,採用差異中差異(Difference in Differences,簡稱為DID)分析此次稅改對於企業投資及就業之影響。研究結果發現此次稅改使高科技產業之有效稅率顯著增加,投資不顯著減少,就業顯著增加;傳統產業之有效稅率顯著減少,投資顯著增加,就業不顯著增加,故整體而言,此次稅制改革能夠有效地解決不同產業間租稅負擔不一的問題,在有效稅率與投資上除了高科技產業的投資為不顯著減少,其餘皆符合預期,但在高科技產業的就業人數上與預期結果不符。
    Many countries have begun tax reforms around 2010, and Taiwan is one of them.Among them, the most common method used by countries is to reduce corporate income tax and the proportion of countries using this method is as high as 70%. Therefore, our government hopes that through this reform, the problem of uneven tax burdens between industries can be reduced, and the growth of investment and employment can be promoted.
    This article takes the non-consolidated financial statements of listed companies from 2007 to 2012 as the sample research target, and uses Difference in Differences (DID) to analyze the impact of the tax reform on corporate investment and employment. The results of the study found that the effective tax rate of high-tech industries increased significantly, investment didn’t decrease significantly, and employment increased significantly; the effective tax rate of traditional industries decreased significantly, investment increased significantly, and employment didn’t increase significantly. Overall, the tax system reform can effectively solve the problem of different tax burdens among different industries. In terms of effective tax rate and investment, except for the investment in high-tech industries, which is not significantly reduced, the rest are in line with expectations, but the number of employees in high-tech industries does not match the expected results.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0108255017
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202101219
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